
Is the IPhone good for texting?

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I text a wholllle lot and I was wondering if the IPhone 3g is a good phone for that? I currently have the sidekick LX and hate it :/

Is it easy to text on? Is it a good phone?

Tell me anything you know about it :)

please and thank you




  1. NOOO.

    its not.

    trust me..

    since it has only a touch screen and not a keypad, texting is hard.

  2. I've had one since they came out last year... its not good for texting at all. Think about it, how often are you in a situation where you need to text someone but you have to keep the phone in your pocket. Or if you're driving you can't look at the screen the whole time.

    With the iPhone, YOU MUST be looking at the screen to see the keyboard. The iPhone is also fairly slow. Sure it looks AMAZING, but its impractical for so many reason. The battery is not removable, for one thing, which you will learn to hate.

    If you buy the iPhone, just know that you're buying for the the looks, the bragging rights, and also to put money in Steve Job's pocket. Say for instance that the iPhone has 100 features/functions other CHEAPER phones like the Nokia N95 have 300 features/functions compared to the iPhone.

    Main Point: The iPhone is much too expensive for what it really is...

  3. I think it gets a bit annoying sometimes.. but a lot of people get used to it. You just have to text with one finger or a thumb. That's what I do at least. Which limits your speed. But it depends on whether you like to text on buttons or a screen.

  4. yea its really easy but u have to get used

    to would only take like a day and u will

    be fine ..i just got mine..its everything u need

    in one..drop the sidekick and get an iphone

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