
Is the IRA really against drug-dealing,or,in reality, do they get involved for the money?

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Is the IRA really against drug-dealing,or,in reality, do they get involved for the money?




  1. do you really have to ask? the money.

  2. they do it for the money

  3. T he IRA are now the British equivalent of what was the American mafia,they are very organised and ruthless gangsters whose influence stretches far away from Ireland itself.To suggest as some here are that they  are taking the moral high ground against drugs is ridiculous!The big anger will come when anyone sells drugs on 'their patch'in in Dublin or southern Ireland esp.......EDIT:Interesting gaelic saying by the Belfast guy above,.....'Our day will come......'never a truer word spoken by the republcan movement!!

  4. IRA is disbanded, they are trying to get Ireland reunited via diplomatic measures, let them get on with it. As you asked think about these couple of points:-  Whenever the IRA took over policing  an area and chasing the  bad guys away drug dealers were top of the list , IRA was always against drug dealing.

                             The other point, is it true that half the troops guarding  your Queen at her palace are druggies, or is the percentage higher than that?

  5. I was working a vehicle check point in Antrim in the mid 90's, we stopped a car that had an IRA man and a UFF man in it, they were sworn enemies but were working together as they were both heavily involved in drug dealing.

    The reason why the paramilitaries get rid of the dealers in their areas is to get rid of the competition.

    Its all part of the bigger picture to make money, years ago it was to fund the "WAR" now its cos they like the lifestyle it brings and they are not willing to work for it like the rest of society.

  6. The Irish Republican Army.  Are against Drug Dealing people who say there ' Not ' Obviously don't know there facts , BUT they are also in it for the Money.

    Stop talking about The IRA lets talk about the ones in Afghanistan

    Are they in there to help the people are for the oil ?

    EDIT: I'm not very sure WHY i got two thumbs down i should know more than anyone i do live in "Free" Derry. The IRA formed there.

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