
Is the International Baccalaureate (IB) program really worth it?

by Guest44616  |  earlier

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The program is offered at my highschool, and I'm probably going to do some classes to get the partial IB diploma, but would it really be worth it to go for the full thing? I'm in Kansas, an I'd probably (but maybe not) go to a KS college, if thats of any help.

I'm currently in all honors classes and passed with all A's pretty easily (But it was just my freshman year; still gotta go through sophomore to even get to the IB classes, which start junior year)




  1. I graduated with the IB diploma and it was so worth it. I would really recommend it. I got college credit and was so prepared for college. The knowledge and skills you gain are far greater than what you would get in high school and are such a plus on college applications. From my graduating IB class my IB friends got into Harvard, Yale and Duke. It is really worth it. Good luck!

  2. No it isn't, if you get good grades in American qualifications (sorry i'm british I don't know what you call them) then there's no particular benefit in taking the IB. They're offering in my Sixthform College as of next year and to be honest most of the lecturers bascially said that doing typical A-levels work just as well. The IB is only really useful if you want to take a wider variety of subjects.

    Universities (British ones at any-rate) can not favour one particular type of qualification over another, and i'm going to assume it's the same in the US. So if you don't feel an unyielding urge to take the IB, then I wouldn't bother.


  3. I am currently taking the IB program, and I am finding it very worthwhile. I would highly recommend the IB program, it is very beneficial in the long run.

    However, you should check the colleges/universities you are planning on attending and see if they accept IB. Also what courses they accept.

    When and if you decide to take it, don't be overwhelmed by the stress or workload. It's preparing you for college life and the standard which they work at.

  4. I was in Pre IB (freshman year) for one year at my high school, and it wasn't that great I think it's really kinda ridiculous you have to have 200 something community service hours and a 4000 word extended essay!  Although I don't know how many scholarships are available in Kansas, but in FL the main reason most people did it was for the scholarships.  I've had many people tell me that it's absolute h*ll in junior and senior year. But most people dedicated enough can get the diploma.  My school last year had the largest IB graduating class in the world.

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