
Is the Iraq War just a cover up? Are soldiers just there to die while the government is secrelty stealing oil

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Is the the governent just in Iraq to get oil while using the Iraq War as a cover up for being in Iraq?




  1. where are they putting the stolen oil?

  2. you bet ye.

  3. no sorry honey

  4. You and your silly conspiracy theories!  It's just so cute!

  5. I'm no fan of Bush, but NO, NO & NO!

  6. Er, what is Secret about it?

  7. The last time I answered this question, YaHoo! suddenly was 'taking a breather' just as I submitted it. The 'breather' lasted for almost an hour until I finally cleared my answer. Then, my next answer (which wasn't as politically sensitive) got posted without any problem. funny how the 'breather' only lasted as long as I was trying to submit this answer. So, I'll try it again:

    Consider this sequence of events:

    Immediately after leaving the White House, George H.W. Bush and several of his cabinet members join The Carlyle Group, headquartered within walking distance of the Oval Office. Among many of Bush's Saudi Arabian friends who invest in the company is a family by the name of binLaden, who puts up $2.5 million.

    Upon resigning his position as CEO of an obscure little company called Halliburton, d**k Cheney becomes Vice-President of the United States. He receives an outlandish $43.6 million 'golden parachute' from Halliburton for his brief tenure with the firm.

    George W. Bush and d**k Cheney - from Day One - want to invade Iraq for three really lame reasons: 1) Bush wants to 'get even' with Hussein for humiliating George H.W. Bush during Operation Desert Storm; 2) Cheney covets all that OIL swimming underneath Iraq's sands; 3) the giant U.S. military-industrial complex needs to boost sagging profits from too many years of peace.

    Bush and Cheney need a plausible excuse for the invasion of Iraq. What better than a 'terrorist attack' on U.S. soil? Larry Silverstein, a friend of the Bush family, is drowning in red ink from his World Trade Center debacle. He hires Marvin Bush as a security consultant, then rewrites his insurance policies to specifially include coverage for 'acts of terrorism'.

    On 09-11-01, 'terrorists' attack the World Trade Center complex of buildings. Emotions run high. Bush lies to Congress, hoodwinks the American people, and cons our valiant U.S. troops into believing Saddam Hussein has 'weapons of mass destruction' and there is honorable purpose in invading another sovereign country that in no way threatened, provoked or attacked the United States.

    While all other air traffic is grounded, Carlyle Group investors in town for a special meeting, are shuttled out of the country on government jets. Osama binLaden, the accused 'mastermind' of 9-11, is presumably hiding in the caves of Afghanistan. Is it possible that our government jets smuggled him back into the country, where he has lived comfortably ever since at his family's huge, gated compound outside Orlando, Florida?

    After the U.S. military is firmly entrenched in Iraq, and emotions have died down in America, Bush publicly proclaims that Osama binLaden is 'no longer a priority' and orders most government agencies charged with his capture to stop the search.

    Larry Silverstein collects 16 times his investment from insurance settlements, even though countless experts question the veracity of the 911 Commission's report which virtually mimicked our government's version of the events. Some people ask why debris from 9-11 was used to build a U.S. battleship instead of being stockpiled for further investigation and examination. Many demolitions experts propose that the twin towers came down because explosives had been 'planted' inside the buildings. But a 'dumbed-down' America accepts the Bush version of what happened without question.

    The Carlyle Group and Halliburton suddenly become two of the nation's largest government contractors, often being awarded contracts without the need for those pesky 'competitive bids'. Both corporations have direct ties to the Bush/Cheney White House.

    After killing Saddam Hussein, the U.S.A. completes construction on the largest embassy in the world, located on a 104-acre site in downtown Baghdad, overlooking the modest headquarters of the 'new' Iraqi government. Halliburton begins constuction on fourteen new, permanent U.S. military bases in Iraq.

    Bush's #1 non-military 'benchmark' insists that the new Iraqi Parliament surrender two-thirds of its OIL fields to foreign corporations, giving companies like Exxon-Mobil a virtual license to STEAL most of Iraq's most valuable economic resource: OIL.

    675,000 Iraqis and [many, many] more than 4,400 U.S. soldiers have died so that a handful of wealthy elitists, industrialists, oil barons and power brokers can become wealthier and more powerful.

    "Big OIL" gets its 'payback' after years of bailing out George W. Bush from one failed business venture after another. OIL industry profits skyrocket as prices are fixed, customers are gouged, and markets are manipulated with any any complaint from a compliant Bush administration, headed by two former OIL men.

    Next stop: IRAN. If McCain is elected, the Bush administration will invade Iran for the very same reason it invaded Iraq: OIL. McCain will be controlled by the same puppetmasters who control Bush.

    If Obama is elected, Bush will be ordered to declare martial law (which he can much more easily do since he's revoked the Posse Comitatus Act of 1879, which prevents a President from declaring martial law without the consent of Congress). Bush will claim it's in the best interests of national security not to change adminsitrations at the start of a new 'war', and will remain in office.

    Another 'terrorist attack' on U.S. soil will have to staged, of course - this time in the Midwest (perhaps Chicago or St. Louis). And, of course, the 'evidence' will have to be much more substantial than 'weapons of mass destruction'. Thousands of people will have to die, all for the sake of profit, comfort and political convenience. Iranian citizens will die by the hundreds of thousands; U.S. troop casualties will be aberrant, but those events will be wrapped in an American flag and carried out in the name of God and Country.  

    Alternative scenario: IF Republicans are certain that the worst economic depression in U.S. history looms, you'll see a mediocre attempt to win any November elections. Better to let the Democrats win, get blamed for the depression, and come back strong in 2012 to continue the pillage, rape and plunder for control of the world's OIL supplies.

    Yes, this unconstitutional, illegal, immoral 'war' is just a cover-up for the sinister events that have taken place during the past 8 years. whoever controls the world's OIL supply will control the world. The powers behind the Bush/Cheney administration are determined to maintain their control over OIL.

    Is all this just 'coincidence'? Or is there something much more sinister going on?   -RKO-   08/07/08

  8. us needs oil...

    soldiers are soldiers...they should die 4 country....

    i know everything about this iraq shiit...

    us just steal the oil...

    us companies controlin everything....

    it's natural thing

  9. Come on now, the Iraq war was about more than that. Saddam Hussein was brought to justice, how could that possibly be a bad thing? Not to mention the safety and stability brought to the region and the establishment of free, democratic elections. This is a just war and Bush is a good president and a good man.

  10. Interesting theory, I'm happy there are some people in this world who keep a open mind on everything. There could be a chance the whole war is a cover up. In fact, I am starting to agree with your theory.

  11. opinions are like a$$ holes every one has them..... You have to do honest to goodness research..... Beware of conspirator voices.... Its believed that everytime we send the space shuttle up, it cause wild weather patterns.... (again another myth!).

  12. THE DYING PART IS CORRECT BUT IF OUR GOVERNMENT WEN'T IN FOR OIL THEY BLEW IT BIG TIME(that's why everyone is receiving this viscous substance but us from the Iraqi government). your question presumes that the government can keep a secret first. If this question was the case the whistle would have been blown a long time ago.Sorry but I think that you are giving this administration TOOOOOOOOOO much credit. George, d**k, and Conddi remind me of the little rascals as they set up the HE-MAN WOMAN HATERS CLUB with Conddi trying desperately trying to be relevant

  13. Wow you just figured this out now???Have You been under a rock since 2003?  

  14. No. Do you not remember that we were attacked on our own soil, on September 11th, 2001? That's why we are there. Iraq, and Afghanistan were the first step in ending terrorism worldwide. If our government was "secretly" stealing oil, gas prices would not be so d**n high now would they?

  15. i wouldnt doubt it...

  16. I don't think so. If we are stealing oil where is it all going? They have to put it somewhere.  

  17. Where is this oil the government is stealing? How can Iraq be selling tons of oil on the world market if the government is stealing it? I guess the answer to your question is no.

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