
Is the Iraq government getting close to being able to run their country on their own?

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I hope so. They owe it to all the American soldiers who have been wounded or killed so the Iraqis can have a chance of freedom.




  1. america will make sure iraq never prosper, how else will USA get all the yummy oil.

  2. The Iraqi government is closer than it has ever been to being independent.  The Iraqi forces have taken over many provinces and they are preparing to take over many more areas.  

    Secondly, they don't owe us anything.  They didn't ask us to invade.  We invited ourselves.  

    Thirdly, don't for a second forget the many tens and hundreds of thousands of Iraqi lives that have been lost in this war.  Not to mention the Millions displaced.  

  3. The Iraq government is getting as close to being able to run their country as the American government is to running theirs. Who do you think "runs" a government?

  4. they have been saying  they are ready for two years.

  5. I totally agree with you.  I have hard that Mala (sp,) is corrupt and so are the police, and our people are trying to deal with that. However. it has been reported that the Iraquis are close to running their country.  I hope so, too.  

    We have poured billons of dollars in that country and our many of our soldiers gave their lives so that the Iraquis could be free and hold onto freedom.  I think it a shame, that they aren't recipocating by selling us oil at a discount or as a gift.  

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