
Is the Islamic World a failure or a success for Muslim people?

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There are over 1,4 billion Muslims in large areas of the World, how has Islam provided for the majority of them?

Politics, law, medical benefits, utilities like water electricity etc freedom of expression. Could I walk around an Islamic country in safety with a notice saying I am an atheist?




  1. Its nice to know racism is alive and well

    Its nice to know people judge a billion people by the decisions of a minority.

    WOW-I am so sickened

  2. Has american policy helped them? lmao

  3. Its a failure, it has them in a strangle hold afraid to say yes afraid to say no just go with the protocol whether right or wrong. They truly don't know the meaning of been free which is a shame as it's the greatest gift a person can have. That's how we develop as people :)

  4. Islam is an extraordinary religion and faith, but its the followers who are mainly the problem, as only the bad ones are shown in the media. Islamic culture has shaped modern day mathematics, science and lots more.

  5. see prevoius answer of mine

  6. ooo muslim bashing are we ?

  7. Snore.   I recommend counselling for your ocb.

  8. islam is a beautiful religion..

    the terrorists cant be muslims as islam forbids this.

    just like if someone was christian and they bombed new york all the christians would get shamed.

    i am a muslim and what these extremists do i find it intimidating and so hurtful. How can these people possibly call themselves muslims if islam forbids this. Not all muslims are extremists its the brainwashed ones.

    Everyone has their own belief so we should respect them all.



  9. Until women are treated equally in all areas of Islamic society Muslims will always be backwards, and in turmoil.

  10. I should imagine that many muslims, (devoid of the trappings of the western world and deprived of the free press) will look at their life and feel that it is all that it could be.

    They live within the confines of their faith as they see it and barring any outside influence will see out their days in the belief thay have been a true follower.

    However, many muslims, for reasons best known to themselves, do see what is going on and being said in the world, as a personal insult to them and their religion.

    In their eyes, if you do not agree with them and the way they live their lives, then you are a protagonist.

    It seems strange then, that so many of them choose to live in non-muslim countries.

    Are there Muslim shopkeepers in this country with a licence to sell alchohol?

    Are there muslim customers at brothels in this country?

    Are there muslims in this country who have married, divorced and remarried?

    I think the answers to these questions are probably - Yes

    So if that is the case, then why do the muslim clerics not openly and publicly denounce these people?

    Could it be that by doing so would be to admit that just maybe, the muslim faith is seen by some of it's followers to be flawed?

    Given that many of them have chosen to live in a predominantly christian society, you have to ask yourself the question, Why?

    Does their own muslim law not allow them to have the goods or services that they trully seek, must they leave their own countries to find true happiness in a non-muslim country?

    Their mass presence here, and in many other european countries would suggest that something is amiss back home

    sorry, spellchecker not working

  11. No, Islam has destroyed 1.4 billion peoples lives. And KILLED 1 billion people.

  12. Islam is a religion not a method of developing infrastructure. Why would you hold a religion responsible for this type of matter?

    Is Christianity responsible for road repair? Or Medicaid?

    Once you put the question in those terms it seems rather ridiculous, no?

    You could probably walk around some Islamic countries and be safe, but don't kid yourself the reaction in others would not be so positive- it would be like walking around Colorado Springs or the Deep South with a similar sign.

  13. Hi,if the Islamic world is so good then why are they leaving to

    go to other countries.I do not believe it is the religion it is the people who run it.Ironic you would be safe saying your an athiest my husband works in a muslim country.The ordinary people are fantastic.They live by islam & have hearts of gold.

    They accept our beliefs & yes some have been to England to study paid by there companies.They think England is wonderfull.

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