
Is the Israeli peace- movement another Israeli war to get more Palestinian land peacefully?

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  1. mark,

    Considering there is no such thing as "Palestinian land," I will have to answer "no" to your question.


    Ms. Miche ; })

  2. Mark,again w'  the anti-Israel & anti-Jewish  semi hidden accusations..

    The very same day Hamas accepted the peace treaty Hamas bombed several civilian towns injuring some women,children & one man...

    Hamas's idea of peace is wanting not only a 'piece' of Israel but the entire country..

    Israel doesn't want the west bank or Gaza & the Arab states don't want the radical terrorists either..The Arabs that want peace can't open their mouths or would be killed by those terrorist pigs..

  3. iame is correct. Until the Hamas child killing murder terrorist gang is wiped out fully there will no peace for the suffering arab people.

  4. I don't see that.  I think they have all the land and Pals they want thank you.

    This also was not Israel's Peace Movement.  This was Hamas getting the Egyptians to set Israel up to look bad.

    Didn't work out right.  Hamas can't control their own thugs.

  5. that's stupid. israel does nothing but give up land for peace. no land has been taken since 67, in fact, 40% of israel has been given to the arabs in the name of peace.

  6. Not at all.

    The Israeli peace movement aims to make concessions in return for peace.

    The Israeli peace movement is made up of many factions and many people who are all trying to ease the current hardships which stand in the way of peace.  

    Most peace activists are ready and willing to give up land, even at the expense of security considerations, in order to reach a peaceful resolution with the Arab population.

  7. Well if you didnt want to take sides and ahve neutral opinion on it. You should ask yourself, which side benefits from peace more?

    Since Israeli citizens have better lifes, lower unemployement less life restrictions, better houses ... you would think the Israeli side would be more intersted in peace.

    Sure Israel has a bunch of rightwingers - both sides do, and sure the Knesset has internal problems with keeping the coalition together, but breaking down the truce with Hamas, is not in the current interest of Israeli politicians - as they would be seen as bad peace keepers.

    I was reading that Hamas had few extra rockets that they decided to discard and unfortunatly for them they couldnt send all of them before the ceasefire took place.

    Nobody wants to get stuck with rockets in their basement when there is 3 month truce, right? especially since you get a new shipment of upgraded rockets next month.

    Politics is a simple thing that politicians complicate.

    back to your question: The answer is NO! your question does not make sense. How can Israel wage war to get the results peacefully???

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