
Is the Jerusalem in Palestine/Israel today is really the one that is mentioned in Bible?

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Some say it is a complete lie to say today's Palestinian Jerusalem has any relation with what is mentioned in Bible.

There Was Never Any Biblical Jerusalem Ever in today's Palestine/Israel territory- Never Since The Creation of This Planet. However it can be anywhere else.

This Place was called Aelia when Muslims took it in 7th century AD

All historical records from time immamorial to the begining of crusades called it Aelia. This small town was not considered important by Byzatine Constantinople or other big surrounding Roman cities for sending troops to help Aelia against Muslims. There was no shred of evidence that christians in surrounding areas or in ANY PART OF THE WORLD ever protested later for hundreds of years against unholy occupation by Muslims of their Holy Land . No church sermon mentioned that some fake Holy Place of a Mythical Christ has come under pagan occupation.

Visitors from Palestine to Europe Did not Report Any Jerusalem Till 1074 AD, Why?

Yes even for inciting people at the beginining of crusades, Why?

Gregory VII: Called for a "Crusade", in 1074 long before the first cusade but did not mention Jerusalem, Why?

The crying need for crusades was only:

" that a pagan race(Muslims) had overcome the Christians(in the near east) and with horrible cruelty had devastated everything almost to the walls of Constantinople, and were now governing the conquered lands with tyrannical violence, and that they had slain many thousands of Christians"

"The Crusades were the long-term result of the rise of Islam."

Elizabeth Hallam, Chronicles of the Crusades, Publisher: Welcome Rain, New York, New York, U.S.A., Year 2000.

Scholars: Israel Finkelstein, Neil Asher Silberman Thomas L. Thompson, Kamal Salibi and their fast growing associates deny any existance of any Biblical city called Jerusalem in Palestine ever in the history. They point to the complete absence of any Archeological and textual evidance for Biblical Jerusalem in Palestine despite hundred and fifty years of most intensive research. .... more detail




  1. there are many archeology evidences to the existence of the Hebrew  Yerushalayim in the vicinity of today Yerushalayim and these include Hebrew inscriptions - the most famous is the one found in the Shiloah tunnel, - dated about 2700 years ago, accomplished by the king Hizqiyahoo, as it is written in the Hebrew bible.

    the name you mentioned is a roman name ÆLIA CAPITOLINA, a city they built on the ruins of Jewish Yerushalayim. in that time they also changed the name of Yehuda to palestina - all this in their efforts to wipe the memory of the Jewish land.

    they did not succeed. who are you to try again to wipe the Hebrew nation and their capital and place of their temple?

  2. It is for sure the Israel, Jerusalem.

  3. yeah

  4. The Jerusalem in Israel/Palestine is the same location, I cannot tell you why it is not called by name in all the writings that you mention.  There are many cities UNDER the city of Jerusalem.  It is an archaeologists dream, but because of the population living on top, they are not allowed to dig.  So the original Jerusalem is about 7 layers below the surface.  

    Between the people who tell you that it doesn't exist and the history books that are far older, which are you going to believe?

  5. I do not believe nothing like "some old jewish relics".

    I do believe in Greek, Roman ancient relics.

    The jews are famous "hiding" some "relics" in various places in the Med basin in order to create fake historical facts about their country.

    Some users have already stated that there were cases like that in Crete and Cyprus.

    Luckily for us the counterfeiters were arrested and truth was restored.

    Maybe jews feel envy for the Greeks or the Romans, so yes there was no Jerusalem no wall no nothing. Everything on that land is Roman.

    They have been digging for 100s of years and they always come up empty handed.

    Bye bye

  6. yes

    israel's jerusalem is the one mentioned in the bible.


    i don't see any proofs to your claim in the first link .i'll appriciate a more detailed direction.  

    your second link does not work.

    your third link is a forum thread not an artical signed by anyone that can be checked for credibility.hardley a valid proof..

  7. Jerusalem, the capital of Israel, is the same Jerusalem from history, read about the history and archeology for example.

  8. Yup. Jerusalem, Israel is THE Jerusalem, Israel mentioned in Scripture. Think about it, my friend; if it WASN'T, would Islam want it?

  9. What i am sure about is that it is the Jerusalem of the Roman Empire. but it is hard to tell if it is the one mentioned in the  Bible or not. Evidence of Roman Archeology is very clear in there but no Jewish.

    Interesting question, maybe this is why they did not find the temple yet. worth investigation

  10. Yes--you have the Temple Mount and part (Western) of its surrounding Wall as mentioned in Ezra and Nehemiah, as well as the Siloan Pool exactly as described in the Book of Kings. That part of the Wall was built in the time of the Second Temple and existed long before the Arabs or Crusaders arrived, and likewise--the Romans and their history acknowledge responsibility for the Wall's (and Temple's) destruction--both Roman and Greek histories validate the Jewish history. The Greeks and Romans as we know predate the Christians and Muslims, so what the Arabs or Christians call Jerusalem is ex post facto.

  11. yes it is the wailing/western wall  is proof  

    Alloha hahahaha you wont find the temple because it was destroyed the wailing/western wall is the last remaining remnant of the temple

  12. yes it is.  what other history would you like to invent?

  13. theres only ONE Jerusalem

  14. i'm glad you admit that muslims are not native to jerusalem or the rest of israel by saying they took it in the 7th century.

    it's funny that you whine about how israel "took" your land. now we know that you know it was never your land, you took it by force, by sword, and it was never yours and never will be. peace.

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