
Is the John Cena & Batista rivalry getting boring?

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I mean it doesn't make any sense at all! And why did WWE make them win the Tagteam titles last week! Also, last week when they had that contest to see who the crowd loves more was dumb! And if they were going to lose the World Tagteam Championship this week, why didn't WWE leave at least Batista turn heel and attack John Cena during the match to make the rivalry more interesting! All WWE is trying to do is make sure they are face so that children would buy both Cena and Batista stuff online!




  1. yes

  2. What happened to the good ole' days of the WWF?  Now wrestling is more like a soap opera with very bad actors.  John Cena and Batista should be ashamed of themselves for turning so many fans away because of their girlie feud!

  3. it all went down hill when they changed the name from "World Wrestling Federation" to "World Wrestling Entertainment"....

  4. if u saw RAW on moday didnt u notice the crowd was more silent then usual?it was boring..

  5. Seriously, I never thought it was interesting!

  6. when did start to get exicting

  7. Yeah i don't even like Cena or Dave anymore. Their storyline is boring.

  8. yes, it may of been better if they had more build to it.

  9. well i think it not getting boring just confusing like with the tag team titles that's what got me confuse .i liked the contest thought.  

  10. This is Sports Entertainment, the storyline is progressing, just as the WWE Writing Team intended. If you don't like this storyline, you can always change the channel. No one is making you watch Raw, in a few weeks, we will have Monday Night Football and can stop watching Raw entirely if we choose. As for the John Cena and Dave Batista Merchandise, you hit the nail on the head. John Cena and Batista are two of the biggest sellers of merchandise in the WWE. The WWE would not want anything to interfere with that.

  11. Getting boring? It's been boring the whole time!

  12. Yes.I will be sleeping until its over.

  13. Yes! They can't wrestle for c**p, they're both very very terrible in the ring, boring, lazy, and last, but not least, their match this Sunday at SummerSlam is going to be c**p!

  14. For me i can't believe they haven't had a no DQ match yet to give us a preview of Summer slam

  15. It is quite bad, I'm not really a fan of either superstar but i was starting to come around to Cena at the great american bash, but the feud has really sucked, i have actually forgotten what it was about, no, wait, i remembered, but anyway, it could be improved in many ways and like you said having one of them turn heel would make it better, but it's too late now, personally i would like to see Cena turn heel and get his butt kicked by randy orton who turns face but that's another story.


  17. It's sooooo boring, I fell a sleep with them as world tag team champions. i mean wwe needs to step it up a notch a get better storylines. cuz everyone knows that both of these so called main eventers can't wrestle for ****. batista only has  5 moves and cena has only 4.

    THIS STORYLINE SUX!!!!!!!!!!! ONE OF THE MOST BORING STORYLINES EVER! WHO EVER THE RAW Head Writer is i got 2 words for ya. u suck. this storyline is terrible.

  18. I know i wanted batista to turn heel right when the wwe can fix things they mess up just like mysteriyos mask in Kane's bag where the h**l did that come from


  19. Yeah, I don't get where they're going with it...they're both fan favorites (why, I'm sure I don't know). It's not exactly easy to turn one or the other heel, especially with how things are going as of late. I guess just keep them as being boring, and they'll be heel soon enough.

  20. neither of them themselves like the storyline-especially dave. what does that tell you?

    batista said he much more likes long drawn out storylines like him vs. HHH.

    a 2 week buildup is not long enough for 2 of the biggest superstars in the wwe right now. horrible idea. should have waited until wm25 and turned batsita heel.

  21. It was boring since Cena accidentally hit Batista in Batista's title match or in other words IT WAS BORING FROM THE BEGINNING!

  22. You have to ask? Cena Is boring duhh

  23. NWO youre are totally right but a little wrong. This fued has no Buildup what so ever. But its only been 3 weeks since the rivalry was announced. Im Sure WWE will think of something. Fire ADAMLE. The Summerslam Card looks decent so far. But heres what you should ask why the f&ck is Triple H gonna Face Khali at Summerslam. Now that is better. Later.

  24. ok here's the thing. The rivalry hasn't even gone on long enough to really draw some heat. Now they wanna make it a marquee match for the biggest PPV of the summer? That's crazy. Had it been a long process where we actually got to see why they don't like each other, rather than them just going back and forth with smart comments like now, it would be way better.

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