
Is the Kopi Luwak coffee bean vegan?

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It's the world’s most expensive coffee and it comes out the other end of a large cat after it’s been eaten by the animal. But is the coffee, having travelled trough an animal’s digestive track, safe to drink? Is it considered an animal product?




  1. Not only is safe, it is also very good. The civet cat eats the coffee fruit and the coffee seeds are picked (and thoroughly washed and cleaned) out of the scat. It is actually how wild coffee plants grow in the forest. A healthy seed covered with nourishing manure.

    I don't know about vegan since I am not one, but I do love this coffee

  2. I would drink it.The animals live in the wild and people collect their f***s,dry it and make it good harm to the animal.I bet they are amused and confused why people come take their p**p after they're done.

  3. I would consider it not to be, because it's a byproduct, and would not affect the animal at all, after all, it's in it's poo :P

    It's like a vegan having a skin of a snake that had shed, the snake has no use for it anymore...

    However, the thing to think is if the animals are in captivity, or if it's small scale production, with no negative effects on the creatures, the likeihood is that they may be under some sort of stress due to human interferance.

    Of course it's safe, they wouldn't put it on the shelves unless it was certified :P

    Jess x

    EDIT: Yeah, but even human interference in a natural ecosystem can cause some stress upon animals, the extent to which has not been fully studied yet.

    It's good then? I must get some next time I'm in London :)

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