
Is the Lack of Dem. Talk Radio one of the Biggest Drawbacks for Terrorists Traveling to America?

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Or do they enjoy listening to Rush, Hannity, etc?




  1. The money people try liberal talk radio, but it doesn't work. Why?

    It's boring to listen to someone who agrees with you all the time. Where's the intellectual stimulation? I'm a liberal, and Air America was just tedious!

    I don't know how you can watch/listen to one-sided media without a lobotomy first.

    Sorry Fox News/Rush fans.

    Oh, nice try, but 9/11 happened because Bush and the Republicans FAILED.

  2. They do have Air America..they tend to give them advice on how to curtail the American justice system and where to go for political asylum in San Fransisco...they love murderers.

  3. No, because terrorists are radical CONSERVATIVE muslims, so they probably laugh right along with the hate and insanity spewed on republican/conservative talk radio.

    "What did the Al Qaeda pilots listen to while they were IN THE US taking flight lessons while CLINTON was president?"

    Most likely it was el rushbo, because like the republican controlled congress of the 90s limpbaugh was more interested in slick willie gettinga BJ than fighting terrorists or safeguarding America!

  4. The biggest drawback to terrorists when they come in America is they will encounter more bigots like them when they see Republicans.

    Oppps my mistake...When they hear Rush and Hannity talking over radio...They will sigh in relief and say "Allahu Akbar, we are home!"

  5. No one wants to listen to liberals bad mouth our nation,or it's leaders.  

  6. They have tried to put on liberal talk radio in the past.  Not enough people listened.  FACT

  7. There's no shortage of shows, or demand for such programs. The problem is that no corporations will sponsor the shows because they are so critical of the status quo and of corporate america. It's not a conspiracy to keep leftist talk down or anything like that, it's just no money means no broadcast.

  8. Wasn't Al Franken going to be the Liberal Rush Limbaugh?  How's those tax problems going Al?  Bank pulled the plug on Air America, now I guess Al is running for congress in Minnesota, must not owe any back taxes there.

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