
Is the Leaping Fannoirre, a form of tiny, parasitic mountain goat?

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Or some kind of myth?

And if it's a myth, what to purpose to men create myths to occupy the minds of their fellow men?

Or are myths strictly for personal gratification?




  1. Talking of personal gratification, I was talking to Tyler Durden just the other day about the enormous, much parasitised  Prussian cloud cuckoo, Rexels' Stapler. It appears that very few Staplers remain in the wild and most of those that do still roam free are, to some extent, the result of cross breeding with genetically modified Ring Binder parakeets that have escaped from paperclip farms.

  2. I'll have that double bacon Cheeseburger a large order of fries and diet Pepsi.

  3. I would have to say parasitic mountain goat because parasites are rife particularly in feng shui according to ye ole goaty gwuffy wuffy one himself a capricorn.

  4. The What ?!?!?

    I am going to have to look this one up!!!!

    Well I am not sure what it is at the moments!

    A tiny parasitic mountain goat does seem rather strange, But I am on my second bottle of Spumate and all is possible!

    I might even start seeing them later!

    As for the second part, I will repeat it here so I can remember it!

    And if it's a myth, what to purpose to men create myths to occupy the minds of their fellow men?

    Or are myths strictly for personal gratification?

    if it's a myth then there are two possiblities!

    1, it is the elves, again!

    2, It's Rincewinds mob!!!

    (read Terry Pratchett for clear explanation. I am far too wizarded to type it all now!)

    Are myths strictly for personal gratification?

    Yes and No!

    It all depends if you believe in that the bogeyman will make you laugh or do nasty things!

    Edit.  And if you prefer to laugh or receive.... Hic!

  5. It hurts me when people say the L.F. may be a myth. I have been scarred for life.

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