
Is the Left lane for passing or speeders?

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Is the Left lane for passing or speeders?




  1. It depends on where you are.

    Assuming you're in a country that drives on the right side of the road, the left lane is traditionally for passing. And if you're speeding, you're usually going faster than everyone else, so you're going to be in the left lane.

    Now, I've seen some states that have made it illegal to stay in the left lane if the right lane is clear (i.e. Indiana)

    Though, in some states it's legal to pass on the right, such as here in Michigan, where many of our freeways have entrance ramps to the freeway on the left side of the highway. I know, it makes no sense.

  2. It is for me plus a bunch of other drivers I don't like lol (did you ever hear the George Carlin sketch on driving?)

    Semi-seriously though, I say passing ..........

  3. right is for slower drivers.

    left is for faster drivers.

    you can legally pass a driver in the right lane but not the left.

  4. It's for passing, but apparently there's an unwritten rule that it is for speeders.

  5. next time your on the the traffic.....most will follow a speed that,s,s usually 5 to 10 mile,s over the limit.....the left lane is for them....for consciences driver,s [ the one,s that actually do the limit] lane is for them...for those who want to go a little slower or for truck,s that have a hard time getting up to speed & maintaining that speed.....the far right lane is for them.....mostly because of the merging on or off of traffic........those who are inconsiderate [ on the cell phone,putting on make up,shaving,etc] & going slower than the flow & in the left lane........are the one,s that cause traffic jam,s.

  6. Technically, the left lane, unless a designated diamond lane, is just another lane for traffic.

    There is no "hammer" lane to drive faster, for the speed limit applies to ALL lanes.

    Like Monopoly, people make up their own rules and ignore the written rules

  7. it is for passing only but we ride in it anyways

  8. It is meant for passing but speeders like to use it to pass people.

  9. Its for passing and speeding.  If you are speeding, you are passing.  I just get frustrated when anyone is going at or below the speed limit and they are in the left lane.  You really just need to gun it and get past that car and get back in the grandma lane.

  10. Well its for passing wich usaly speeders

    but its for pepole to pass

    i hope this helps you

  11. passing, but just like the yellow light many drivers it means speed.

  12. technically, it's for passing, but speeders are usually passing everybody, so it's for them too.

  13. If you mean on a motorway then the left lane is for traffic and the right lane is for over taking.  Otherwise most places you can use any lane.  Usually they will specify with signs if there is a special reason for the different lanes like "keep left unless overtaking" or something like that.

  14. lol its for passing when the person is going to slow in the front of you thats what i think .. an for the speeders their risking their own life so let them do it haha

  15. Legally, for passing. By law, traffic is to remain single file in the right most lane, unless there is someone that is driving at a speed under the speed limit. The best place for those who think that the highways are "A" autobahns, then the Police impoundment lot for the vehicle, and jail for the driver is the best place for them to be. The only possible catch for them is the signs that say that slower traffic should keep right. While they may insist that this gives them the right to be rude to other drivers that are in the left lane, but not trying to get to where they want to get to, before they left to go there, the speed limit is just that, the upper limit of legal highway speed. Those who get caught, deserve every point against them, and every penny they spend in fines.

  16. I agree with yafvoc.  But if you have to ask, you are probably a 'speeder'.  It's for you too.

  17. looking at some of the you drive on the left or on the right...USA or GB???

  18. Passing.

  19. technically, its meant for passing, and the right lane is meant for slow moving traffic. but with the way ppl drive today, the passing lane IS the speeding if u think about it, but seriously, its the passing lane.

  20. You can be ticketed for passing on the right so obviously the left hand lane is for passing.

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