
Is the Left trying to set women back 50 years, saying Sarah Palin should stay home with her family?

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They keep saying Sarah can't handle being VP and having a family.

News Flash: Sarah has a husband that can stay home with the family.

Source: EVERYWHERE. Unless you live under a rock.




  1. palin can handle vice pres. but senator biden is better coz he has more experience than of palin. compare a senator to a non senator. who have lesser experience? it's better to be smart.

  2. The Left nominated a female VP a generation ago...where have you been?

  3. No, Palin is trying to set women back 100 years by saying a woman should never have the right to an abortion even in cases of rape or incest.

  4. They are bunch of hypocrites.  Palin has done everything the Femenists have told women to do EXCEPT have an abortion.  

  5. The point is not she should stay home, but she does not need to add more stress to an already stressful situation.  

    I am amazed that this anti-choice, anti-equal pay good ole girl is suddently a female role model.

  6.   Isn't that simply the most parochial and antiquated thought, in almost our last 50 years ?   Talk about setting womens rights back, this is the true height of "people" who want to see women barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen.  Yet you will not see ONE female Obama supporter challenge them about this attitude.   They've reached a maximum level of absurdity, even for them.

  7. The liberals are just annoyed that they claim to be pro-woman, but it was a conservative woman to get on the ticket.  I e-mail NOW and asked where their congratulations was to Sarah Palin.. I received a scathing reply.  Basically, I have learned in the last week, that woman's choice only means if you are for abortion, if you actually exercise CHOICE - they hate you.  Amazing.  

  8. She's not a woman she's a pit bull with lipstick.

  9. I say How they handle it is up to them She and her husband.

  10. You can't be a feminist unless you agree with the liberals.  Sad really. Too bad she wasn't willing to murder a couple of her children or she too could be a feminist.


  11. I know it is really getting to me when I hear them say in one breath we accept women and all people but than they realse Statements and the media goes wild over it that she has a family of 5 she can't manage this country they are sexist scum

  12. A woman's place is in the house, and the senate.

  13. The libs have showed their sexism during this election. They won't set back the women's movement because Palin will win

  14. Absolutely!  The MALE-stream media, in cahoots with the Democratic party are setting feminism back generations!

    What I have heard so far has been a slap at working women everywhere.  

  15. Amazingly enough it would seem so.

    They wanted Hilary back into the kitchen.

    Now they are crying because Palin is a woman and saying she can not function in the work place because she has children.  What is all that?

    What a double standard.   A father can work but not a mother?

  16. Come on?

    She has 5 children and a baby with Downs syndrome and

    She  can not  keep track of her trampy daughter.

    Also: Hillary Clinton would be 100 times better than Sarah Palin.

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