
Is the Mayor of Toronto the epitomy of left-wing stupidity ?

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With his idiotic campaign to "ban handguns" need I say more!




  1. Yes banning handguns worked so well in places like:


    Washington DC


    Odd, also the same group of cities with some of the highest rates of gun violence.

  2. Some people say that if you ban handguns, that will reduce violent crime, since guns would not be readily available to the criminals who want to use them.

    Of course, that means that anyone caught carrying a gun should then be sentenced to a prison term for simply possessing one. That would stop people from using them in the heat of an argument, and prevent them from being stolen to be used in a crime.

    On the other hand, you would likely see people switch from using a handgun to using a bladed weapon. It is much easier to conceal and reuse, no reloading or ammo required.

    The reasoning (for most honest people) behind carrying a handgun is supposed to be a deterrent against criminals who may want to steal from you or otherwise harm you. If they know handguns are not present, it comes down to a hand-to-hand combat situation, and they may easily overpower a weaker person, such as a young female they want to rape, or a store clerk they want to rob.

    I do believe that there are too many guns out there that are not really necessary. "Yes officer, I use that M16 to hunt ducks in the fall...".

    However, I would think that personal firearms with a magazine that can hold no more than eight bullets should be allowed, as long as the person has it licensed, has taken a firearms safety course, and has to pass a psychological assessment to obtain and renew their license.

    There are valid points on both sides of the argument, and gun control is not going to be solved overnight, and especially not by me. But hopefully, we can avoid repeats of the gun violence we see in some schools, mall shootings, and random street drive-bys in both USA and Canada.

  3. Tell me whats wrong with banning them. They arent used for anything but killing people so why not ban them? I guess the right wing stupidity would be thinking that teachers should be carrying hand guns to defend classrooms. Now thats crazy. Yes there will always be a demand for handguns because people will always want to kill eachother, but giving them less access to a gun is a step in the right direction IMHO. Its not going to solve all our problems but if it could save a few lives, its worth it.  Why are they legal anyway, so I can save my family from joe somebody trying to rob my house???? Come on now. Im not the hugest fan of Miller myself, but I dont think this is the stupidest thing hes done. Stop focusing on the "crazy lefties" and what differs you from them and focus on saving people in this country from themselves.

  4. Are government unions stupid?

    Are the huge expense funds for councelors stupid?

    Are our parks dirty and falling apart?

    Are cops that ticket everything cow milkers?

    Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.....................................

  5. Absolutly....gun control is the opium of the naive. Most (if not all ) handguns used by criminals are smuggled into Canada from the U.S. and therefore scapgoating the legal owners (who are very few ) is  a near total waste of time.

  6. I am a supporter of Stephen Harper's position on this one- don't ban guns, but stiffen the laws to punish those who commit the crimes as a deterrent against crime while letting those who want to own guns for personal or professional (hunting) reasons own them.

  7. Not my country,so a won't give an opinion. But if I was to I, would agree.

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