
Is the McCain Campaign starting to remind you of the "Self Destruct" Campaign that John Kerry Ran in `04? ?

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This V.P. Pick has that "WHAT THE h**l WAS HE THINKING" aspect that was so prevalent all through the Kerry campaign. Has McCain Fired Carl Rove and hired the team that advises GW bush?




  1. Are you joking?  just insert Obama where McCain is in your question and you'd have good question-as it is written- you show your lack of knowledge of what is going on.  McCain's choice was brilliant.  Finally we get a real human being as VP nominee-not an angry old white dude who's been in politics for so long he has forgotten that his paycheck comes from my wallet.  I have never seen Biden speak without making an A$$ out of himself.

  2. What's wrong with her other than lack of experience which Obama himself has in spades?

    Nothing.   So what's the problem unless you are all really that afraid of a woman in a position of power which would just be sad.

  3. Kerry couldn't decide if he was a war protester or a war hero.

    Typical Democrats falling on ther face again. Always looks good coming out of the gate but they always fall flat.

    Imagine them putting up someone with such a lack of experience and hoping that because he is black we'll all vote for him.

    The girl McCain picked is 3 years younger and has more experience. She ran two businesses, met payrolls, a city and now a state. All Obama can calm is that he voted. Big deal... anyone can do that.

    It's sort of sad that Democrats can't get it right. It's like they have an idiot running the show... you know someone like, Howard Dean? He was all talk too, without substance.

  4. Kerry lost when he didn't say he'd support a ban on federal taxes subsidizing abortions.  He said federal tax payer money is needed because they are a "right"......well so are GUNS, yet I don't see him sponsoring legislation mandating federal funding for gun ownership.

  5. I think you are wrong but only the election will tell for sure

    the Obama campaign is pure bunk and if he wins it will be a disaster

    to the US..and the world will see the biggest FOOL

    he will make George W. Bush Jr. look intelligent in comparison..

    Obama can only run for office..he is an empty suit

    and Biden is just a guy who has done nothing constructive for 30 years

  6. Thats funny, back in 2004 we swore up and down the Kerry had it wrapped up.

  7. I think he is wise as a fox?  Stand and see the wonders of this man.

  8. Not at all.  McCain's pick seems to have the Obmicans quite upset!


    City Council 1992-1996:  Elected for two terms (4 years)

    Mayor: 1996-2002  Elected for two terms, (4 years)  Also elected president of the Alaska Conference of Mayors

    Ethics Commissioner: 2003-2004 (1 year) Governor Murkowski appointed Palin Ethics Commissioner of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission.  She resigned in protest over what she called the "lack of ethics" of fellow Alaskan Republican leaders.

    Governor:  2006-2008 (2 years)

    Palin:  Grand total of 11 years in service to elected/appointed positions.  

    Palin GOVERNED for six years as mayor and Governor.

    Obama:  Grand total of 9 years in service in elected positions.  As Senator (state and federal) his job was to talk about policies, propose policies, and vote on policies.  NO EXPERIENCEWITH GOVERNING -- AT ALL!!!!!!!)

  9. No I think you are talking about the Obama who campaign....  

  10. nope, but the Obama campaign is reminding me of the one Kerry ran.

  11. Yeah. What the h**l was he thinking? Glad I'm not voting for him.

  12. the obama/biden ticket is more like that self destruct kerry/edwards team.

    mccain is a genius

    Mccain/Palin 2008

  13. Karl Rove advises GW Bush also.  

    McCain has been bleeding the Republican party ever since he stole the nomination from Mitt Romney.

    It was a tell sign when he trough Conservative radio host Bill Cunningham under the bus, and then Pastor Hagee and Rev. Parsley.

    Mondale/Ferraro 2

  14. You are so freakin right. I was on his side but he made to many mistakes... Then picked a woman who just had a child some mths ago like she's ready to help run a country when she has a starting five to tend too? WHAT THE h**l WAS HE THINKING? I'll tell you. He figured that Obama was going to pick Mrs. Clinton so he picked her to try and get a bigger fan base... STUPID. You know what Go Whoever Wins... Obama, because he made to many good choices and he's not even president yet. He also picked someone who will be able to lead incase something does happen to him...  

  15. Nope, but Barry the Inexperienced campaign is doing alot of crying and whining today, it's pretty funny watching libs cry.

  16. It was a great pick.

    Now, he'll loose for sure!

    McCain is 72. It's not completely unrealistic that he could die in office. Just imagine Sarah Palin becoming president!

  17. Nope, not at all.  I've been smiling all day, and I'm a pretty smart guy.  You maniacs sure seem to have a wild hair up your **** today for some reason, though?  Wonder why?  [LMAOROTF]

  18. Yes its as if McCain ran out of gas before he left his neighborhood.  

  19. I don't know *what* John McCain was thinking. But whatever his motives originally were--they sure as h**l are transparently obvious now.

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