
Is the McCain/Palin ticket to be a crusading ticket against power and corruption in DC?

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I think McCain is trying to steal Obama's thunder regarding change, and, that choosing Palin was a big in your face type of politics we haven't seen at this level in many years. Linked below is David Brooks column today on McCain's pick...




  1. McCain was fighting vested interests in Washington when Obama was still trying to hang on to his job at a large law firm in Chicago.

  2. Yes.

  3. Palin has made major reform in her state even fighting her own party to get it done....So YES they are the ones for far as the libs go...they are so desperate they are resorting to slander of a 17 yr old that made a mistake and is taking RESPONSIBILITY for her there is a word NOT in the libs dictionary....I guess they were hoping for her to have a late term abortion that lives and is left to die as their leader voted for....they LOVE MURDER of the innocent

  4. The bigger concern is the lack of honesty

    I mean, this pregnancy issue could have been handled far better than it was. it almost feels that the truth had to be wrestled out of everyone and that is where the integrity issue comes into play

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