
Is the McCain campaign in crisis after all the negative reactions on their VP pick?

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Is the McCain campaign in crisis after all the negative reactions on their VP pick?




  1. I think that he has definitely put himself in harm's way by picking such an inexperienced VP.  The Obama campaign is different by the fact that we all know that he is very inexperienced.  So that's why he picked a more experienced VP.  Scary part about this now is that a lot of people that I talk to are going to vote for Obama just because they don't like Republicans or McCain.  Which is a very unintelligent move, that they will all find out if he wins.  It's called buyer'sremorse.

  2. No they are laughing at the left sticking its foot in its mouth at every turn...

  3. It's fun watching them desperately try to build up this dud.

    But seriously, when is McCain announcing his real pick?

  4. In short, yes.  His pick was clearly to try and pick up on the women's vote after his ad he ran bashing him for not choosing Hillary.  Are you trying to tell me McCain would prefer Hillary on the ticket?  I'm sorry, but it's a load of bull!  I lived in Alaska during her race for governor.  Frankly, she showed me that she was a bit of an airhead who refused to take actual stands on things other than the republican talking points.

  5. I would say so.  Word is, he didn't even talk to her about being VP until last Sunday...sounds to me like he didn't give this one enough thought.  

  6. Yes and double your pleasure or cries YES!!!!

  7. It is way to soon for that. Time will tell. She may be another Abe Lincoln. Peace

  8. Negative!  People are excited. Sarah rocks!  Obama is yesterdays news.  Use it to line your kitty pan with.

  9. what negative reactions? he picked a great vp!

  10. It was in crisis before that.

    That's why they "threw the hail-mary" and named Palin the VP nominee.

  11. If it's a crisis situation they don't know it yet. The whole point of picking Palin was to take the focus off of Obama after the convention. And McCain knew he had to gamble to do it.

    The best way this can turn out for McCain is for there to be a lot of speculation for a week or so and then having Palin turn out to be a strong candidate. If it turns out the opposite, yeah it will be a campaign in crisis.

  12. Nearly all of the negative reaction is coming from the left. Big surprise there. So no, the campaign is not in crisis. And there are a LOT of people, though surprised at the selection, that applauded the move.

    The Dems like to say that Palin is ill-prepared to deal with foreign leaders. But she'd only be the VP. Obama, on the other hand, would be commander in chief. And HE has no experience in that area.

    Ya gotta love the way the liberals are deflecting the shortcomings of their own guy and spinning it in the direction of McCain's VP choice. It's called grasping at straws.

  13. What negative reaction.  Most everything I have heard is positive.  Well except for those who do not even know the Alaska is part of America.

  14. Watch something other than  MSNBC and you'll discover that most of the reactions are positive.

  15. Absolutely not.  The conservatives LOVE Palin and are thrilled with her candidacy.  It's the Dems that are having a hissy-fit and it's beautiful!!!!!

    Go Sarah Barracuda - kick some Biden butt!!!!

  16. Just, I live in PA and all TV coverage was on the McCain/Palin visit here today. She was like a TOURIST!! Stretching her neck, looking at the buildings(AKA real life to those outside Alaska). "Its great to be in another part of the country!" she squealed. OMG! She's just a heartbeat/skin lesion away...

  17. The only negative has come from the Desperate Democrats as they sink lower in the polls as Hillary supporters are jumping ship to support McCain/Palin 08

  18. A lot of people praise his choice.

  19. With all the republican critics dissing McMoron's choice, I think they are cringing at his stupidity.  He labeled Bush as "dumb as a tree stump" in 2004.  It was a case of the pot calling the kettle black.

  20. I don't think so. The conservative base is energized largely by the choice.

  21. I think McCain has a hidden agenda to destroy the Republican party and he is doing a great job executing it.

  22. The McCain campaign was really ailin' 'til they picked on Sarah Palin.

    I would have voted for McCain before he let Bush and Co. s***w him over. Now I might vote for Palin, but never for McCain. I haven't seen any negative reactions to her nomination except from the press and some of you repuglicans.

  23. I don't think so. There's a lot of positive reaction as well.

    Only time will tell.

  24. Obama made a bad choice with Biden. McCain made a good move with Palin. That reflects which of them have better judgement on big issues. First round goes to John McCain.

    Everybody loves Sarah "the baracuda" Palin is the cat's pajamas and a perfect partner for the old maverick who wants to reform Washington, D.C., and stop the wasteful spending and corruption. That is real change, not vague promises of change. Everybody wants change, especially John McCain. He plans an intense four years of reform of the beltway.

    George Soros's toyboy is a sham.

  25. What news are you watching?  All I've heard is good!  I know 3 people so far who have gone from undecided to McCain since yesterday!

  26. Though they should be greatly concerned by the negative public reaction to the selection of such a mediochre and relatively unknown person, it appears the McBush campaign is either much too delusional or much too senile to have noticed.

  27. Just keep telling yourself that if you'll sleep better at night.  I can't WAIT until November.

  28. Negative reactions from Obama supporters? No, I don't think it matters a great deal, since they would never vote for McCain anyway, and regardless of who he chooses for VP, they would still demonize him/her.

  29. I see that you are the nervous one. She just sealed the deal for McCain.  

  30. No they are doing well. Obama's campaign is running scared.  

  31. He should be. I'd be worried if I were a part of his campaign. I mean he picked someone to the extreme far right and the notion that she is a woman and will therefore acquire Hillary supporters is insulting to us.  

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