
Is the Merchant Of Venice a tough read?

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Is the Merchant Of Venice a tough read?




  1. I thought it was one of the easier reads out of the dozen or so of his plays I've read.  So easy for Shakespeare.

  2. I actually found it to be one of Shakespeare's easier reads myself.

    But if you want to ensure your understanding of it, might I suggest buying the SparkNotes version that has the original version side-by-side with an "easy-to-read" version.

    (I got the 'Sonnets' one - and it was amazingly helpful!)

  3. When it comes to Shakespeare, you just have to accept that you won't understand it word for word and let the beauty of it wash over you, and you'll end up getting the overall story.

  4. Depends on how well you understand the older style of language used.

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