
Is the Milan Cathedral still used as a church today???

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i mean it is a cathedral so, do people in Italy still use it???




  1. yes, it is... Mass takes place there i don't know when, but quite often...


  3. The Italiano said it all!;-)

  4. Hi! im an Italian guy and i live 30 minutes from Milan! The Cathedral is called Duomo di Milano and its used as a church today. On Sunday there re three celebrations. In that times tourists cant go inside the church to visit but its reserved to the believers. Sometimes the Milan Arcibishop is at the head of the celebration. Next to the Cathedral there're some buildings, where the Arcibishop and the people that worl for him live.

    Every year theres a march that starts from Castello Sforzesco (a beautiful castel) and ends in front of the Cathedral. The Arcibishop gives a speech from the church. I hope i was helpfull!!

  5. Hi!

    I live in Milan.

    The Cathedral, Duomo, is still active.

    It is the church of the archibishop of Milan.

    You can assist at mess and many other celebrations like a normal church.

    There are always many tourists.

    Inside is very very big and create a great sense of space and infinite.

    One of the most beautiful things is the Christmas Concert!

    Once I  could listen the rapresentation of all the "Requiem" of W.A.Mozart.

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