
Is the Mortgage Bailout Just Another Transfer to Illegal Immigrants?

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The highest default rates are in highly hispanic CA, NV, NM and FL.




  1. It is the BANKS who get the bailout, not the individuals. If you actually paid any attention to what is going on, you'd realize we are protecting the rich, not the poor (as usual).  

  2. It's nearly impossible to get a mortgage if you don't have identification and financial history.  I doubt much, if any, money is going to illegal immigrants.

    There are plenty of mortgage defaults in the states you name.  A mortgage bailout isn't a nefarious scheme to transfer money from honest frugal white people in the northern heartland to cheating partying ethnic people in wasteful evil blue welfare states.  That's what you're really saying, so just say it.

  3. LOL, never thought of that one.

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