
Is the NAU and the Amero true? Is the unification of North America the end of the United States?

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Is the NAU and the Amero true? Is the unification of North America the end of the United States?




  1. Yes it's true... it has been bandied around for about a decade now, but it will probably never actually come into being because Americans do not want it.  About the only country that would benefit from the union would be Mexico.

  2. Not true, at least not in near future.  

    First Canada has rejected the idea of American money several times even though it has been suggested.  Mexico would love the American dollar as it is more stable than the peso (and worth something).  So a common currency for the near future is not likely unless Mexico makes the first moves to adopt either the American or Canadian dollars.

    Second the NAFTA deal was the making of NAU as free trade zone of this size makes a formidable trading bloc around the world.  The idea of course was to help each countries industries have access to the local markets of north america and make everyone easier to deal with.  But all it caused was a great movement of companies to lower labor priced areas to save money.  Canada lost mfg to the US and Mexico and the US lost mfg to Mexico and so on.  Also with free trade came the buyouts that have amalgamated so many companies that there seems to be less competition around.  

    Currently as we move to implementing more parts of the free trade agreement we are seeing more opposition in the US than other countries.  Americans called Canadians sucks for not wanting freetrade as the Americans knew of the opening of the Canadian market meant lower taxes to trade north but now the Americans are backtracking on nafta as the Mexicans gain more availabilitiy to american markets and the Americans saw what they did to Canada and now it is going to happen to them from Mexico.  America wanted this deal and now it comes time to honor the deal...will the US be honorable or not???  We shall see.

    Will it be the end of the US, Canada or Mexico.  Certainly not. It could but not for a long time yet.  I think a major catastrophe would have to happen before the joining of the three nations would take place.

  3. The unification of the North American countries is in the works but the United States is not entertaining it.

  4. The NAU is absolutely true. You congress has sold you out with NAFTA, the Trans-Texas Corridor, illegal immigrants, "universal" health care, the 'economic incentive' tax loan from TY2009, and the whole shootin' match.

  5. Paranoia is the factor of "keep believing it, and it will come true, born of your own panic and lack of sight".

  6. There is another possibility which is that to end Resource Wars The Human Right To own the Planet and The Human Right To Peace could be rights for citizens worldwide.

    This does not seem realistic in the current political climate but  it would have a chance to work if The Right To Conserve Natural Resources were to be made  in addition. The Right To protec the environment, the right to an unpolluted planet, the right to a planet free of manmade global warming might make it possible.

  7. no, there is not currently any government plan for the NAU

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