
Is the NHL the only proffesional sports league with integrity left?

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Is the NHL the only proffesional sports league with integrity left?




  1. At least they don't fix games to go to a longer series like the NBA...

  2. Integrity? Are you kidding me? This league is as legit as the WWE (almost... at least the WWE admits they've got fixed outcomes). Heck the head of officiating was nuked for taking bribes from other refs for the rights to officiated the games of their choice a few years ago in the finals (Van Hellemond during the Flames/Lightning final). They lost an entire season in a bogus lockout meant mostly to send a message to NBA players that they'd better settle their own CBA or risk losing their season (thank you Stern's hand picked cronie Bettman there).

    NHL has less integrity than Paris Hilton trying to enter a convent.

  3. uh yeah. sure we fight but that is what you need to do when you play that game. plus no steroids (or at least that we know of) and not much drugs.

  4. So its the NHL's fault hockey isn't popular with the black youth...?

    I'm confused.

  5. Besides the fact that its basically an all white sport??? If your white this is not an attack on you. But there is more white players in the NBA then there are Blacks in hockey... and there's no excuse for either to have such a lopsided amount... I am sure hockey has some dirty laundry... its just that hockey popularity is so low that no one would care. I think QVC has higher ratings then a regular season hockey game on ... ummm... OLN? HDNet? ... I used to work for the Washington Caps...  and the crowds at hockey games are the most NON diverse crowds of all major sports. Atleast its a good mix of races in attendance for the NBA even if there isnt a large number of white players. All sports are a money making business... if the business isn't making money then... rules are changed or bent... so dont jump to conclusions just yet my friend. hockey players can and will take hgh to recover from injuries faster.

  6. It seems to be. We have our bumps and stuff but not like the other teams. I think it is because we are a respectfull league.(yes i said we...LOL!!!)

    We had some drunk drivers.

    Underaged drinkers (Staals)



    and such!!!!

  7. Or maybe they're just really good at covering stuff up....aaaahhh!! Didn't think of that, did you? lol

  8. Well I am from the UK and football(soccer)has lost its cred due to overpaid players etc, athletics and cycling has lost it because of drugs scandals so to me the only big sport in the world with a decent record is rugby(union is my preferred but league will do). So to me most sports of the world are full of drugs, scandals and overpaid players

  9. Of course. I mean come on the big issue that was FROM THE LEAGUE was the lockout. In the NFL they refuse to do an independent investigation into what Spygate really was. Even the Commish says he doesn't believe Belchick's story that he just misunderstood the rules, but he won't let it get looked into. In the NBA you have a real possibility that games were(and maybe still are) fixed. Sure their commish claims it isn't true but also claims oh it is just the word of a convicted felon. Well I say he is an admitted felon, he ADMITTED what he did, not he got convicted after denying it, so maybe it is true. Then you have baseball that allowed 'roids according to the independent study they commissioned, not to mention their commissioner and the way he behaves.

    Hey Ricky way to make it sound like the Blacks are at fault, or that non-whites are the problem. I think you should reread your answer and see how racist it sounds AGAINST NON-WHITES. Oh and football's problem is from a WHITE GUY(Belichick and Goodell and Kraft are all white and the cover-up that appears to be going on involves them).

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