
Is the NRL footy show finished??

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I used to love the NRL footy show, even though I had to stay up until midnight to watch it! but I reckon it is a poor copy of it's glory days, do they scrap it or put a broom thru and find some new talent.




  1. In its current format, it should have been buried years ago. I stopped watching it about 10 years when their "humour" took over more and more from the football. There are plenty of issues and controversies in league (Brown's comments, salary cap, players going OS) but none of these get dealt except in passing.

    If nine is going to persist with a footy show, they need to make it topical as well as entertaining. Perhaps if they watch  "Barefoot Footy Show" on NITV (Foxtel/Austar) they may get an idea how to do it properly..

  2. Yeah they need guys with genuine talent, Loz was a great player, but what does he offer on TV?  He's not funny, and he doesn't really make any meaningful commentary because he can't have a 'conflict of interest as a selector' what a load of politically correct horse ****.  If you can't tell us who you think is gonna be in the QLD state of Origin team what the frig are you doin here??

      Fatty is ok but has seen better days.... Matty is funny, but he needs new material... Reg has done his dash.

      Love the Chief so I hate to say anything bad about him, save to say he isn't the sharpest tool in the shed.

  3. Well if the NRL footy show has to stay on, they have to fix it up.

    A good idea would be to take ideas from the AFL version & try to add it to the NRL show.

  4. it would probably work again if they got rid of fatty hes not funny and he cant act ,and got to talking about footy a little bit more

  5. The sooner the better for viewers of free to air television, I myself am lucky to have cable television & able to watch NRL teams & NRL on fox which for content leave the boring Footy Show for dead, I feel sorry for people who only are able to watch boring free to air television, particularly stations like the nine network.

  6. I haven't watched the show this year.

    When they started bringing women netballers, hockey players  and surfing people etc on the show it got boring.

  7. NO its not finnished they will be back next year

  8. yes its just boring now

  9. I think we need less clowns on the show. It has lost the mix of comedy verses serious footy talk. I think its to late to save the show now, maybe next year have a show like the old late night footy which used to be run by Wayne Pearce or even a format like the sunday roast.

  10. Bring back Sterlo and Mahatma Cote!!!!!

  11. If it's not finished they'll have alot of work to do next year to get me watching it again. I and everyone that i've spoken to doesn't watch it anymore its just boring,thursday night i watched tour de france instead thats saying something.

  12. i agree 5-10 years ago it was so funny and entertaining

    unfortunately all the pathetic do godders live no life made it the show it is now

  13. It's better than any godgobber stuff on telly !

  14. I noticed, ever since Eddie stepped down as the Nine ceo, they tried to americanize the whole show, bringing in cheap "superstar hub" or whatever its called and a load of other rubbish. I liked it before around 4 or 5 years ago, they would set out half the show for laughs and skits, and the other half for serious talk. It's all kind of sad now..Chief is not and never was funny, Loz should stick to commentating and Fat to be honest just ran out of jokes..Matty is still ok though. I still watch it for what it is, but its nothing like it was.


  16. i think it is cause ive been watchin all the games and thers been a fair few

    do u like NRL 2???

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