
Is the NSA a good example of how 'power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely'?

by Guest62499  |  earlier

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- and will one of its first points of business when and if The Romulan (well I still think with a name like Barak Obama he sounds and looks like one) gets to be the Kindergarten Colony's new Commander in Chief to be to 'off him' to use their lazy vernacular - being as he might want to 'tinker' with the military status quo of general skullduggery - or does that kind of 'executive decision' as I think they euphemistically call it get dealt with by one of the other so called 'black' - three letter (incidentally why are they always three letters long?)organisation abbreviations - of course making sure no 'oversight' committee is aware of it you understand?

That's how it works over there in Mickey Mouseland isn't it - with Special Agent this and Special Agent that?!!!!




  1. Wow, it is rare to see someone with so little understanding of what the NSA does. This kind of viewpoint can only be reached by getting all of your information from Hollywood movies and cheap spy novels.

    NSA doesn't do wetwork.

    NSA serves the president, whoever he is, whether they like him or not. (That's called being a patriot). But first and foremost, they serve the Constitution (so the first part can only go so far).

    Mickey Mouseland? That has to be one of the most naive views of America ever. Tell your handlers to get you data dating after 1990 at least before you try this kind of crazy propaganda. Disney is sooo old school.


    Anything involving human beings requires oversight.

    As far as unmarked jets, how is that a problem? Your government knows what is going on and works with ours on these matters.  I don't see how that relates to assassinating a possible future president, sport.

  2. Do you really think the NSA want/cares about listening in on your boring *** conversations? It is highly secretive and draws controversy for that but if its doing anything illegal, and who knows whether it is or not, you should only be worried if you are as well

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