
Is the No Child Left Behind Act created by George Bush really works and should stay for the time?

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I think the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLBa) ok so tell me your thoughts about it.

FYI: I will only give best answers will people giving an explantion than a yes or a no answers.




  1. It's a failure and has been since day one. Testing does not necessarily show the strengths or weaknesses of a student. It merely shows that one is or isn't a good test taker. What a shame. The student suffers, nothing is accomplished. The instructors only purpose is to teach how to pass a test, nothing more. Look at dropout rates, look at scores of individual students overall. The United States is failing badly with it's educational system. School administrators should be ashamed.

    Returning to the basics, reading, writing and arithmetic is the only way success will be accomplished.

    Computers have taken the place of actual learning. This is an easy way to find answers without actual study. Most students can not find a country on a map or world globe. Most students can not print or write legibly. Most students have no art background. Physical Education is no longer considered important. Most students are not educated in health and hygiene. In the 1950's and 60's these were everyday requirements.

    What a shame, that American educational system has forgotten what a strong healthy country needs to do for it's children.

  2. Its  nothing more than a FEDERAL power grab!

    Meddling where they do NOT belong at all!

    The  whole system of "public education"  should be  dissmantled and handed over to the PARENTS who can choose to educate their kids


    But in any case,  its NOT the  job of the FED to dictate to Parents as  to how their kids should be  educated!

  3. This expresses my opinion.  I think this act makes schools accountable to federal standards in education instead of teaching the whole child.  If a child can not write, read, perform simple math, use logical conclusions, or appreciate arts/sciences/humanities then the student misses out on the opportunity for a better education.  There is more to teaching students than simply taking a test.  Also, when teachers focus their attention on testing, what happens to the student who is a slow learner who struggles to maintain pace with their classmates?  Eventually long term analysis will be completed and find many weaknesses with this act.  

  4. Good ol George didn't create it but I know what you are asking (no-I'm not happy with him) I think the idea of testing is good-what I haven't seen is the promo of higher things offered to those who are gifted and quicker as much as they are held back with the slower kids. Its a small grievance I guess as its just as important to help ALL the children and take the time with those who need help-but-those who can-should be offered the opportunity to fly ahead and get more math, science, history and other learning that will give us the leaders for tomorrow in these fields. All children are important and I hate the lack of music and art too-its a huge losss and helps in all other education. I think our schools need to use monies better and as a pet peeve I'd like to see some of that drug money confinscated (where does that go anyway?) go to scholarships and programs in the areas where there are problems with the crime and program is perfect but we have to keep improving and working at it---

  5. The idea of trying to make sure that all children are on grade level is great, but there is insufficient federal funding for it to be effective.  

  6. devalues education.  Makes students take standardized test after test on meaningless junk.    

    Bring back some decency into education.

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