
Is the North American Union a good thang or a bad thang?

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thang = thing. omg I can't believe I had to explain that.




  1. I strongly believe, IF the North American  Union were to come about, it would be the END of the USA, the END of CANADA...and Mexico could care less.  It is VERY BAD.........we would cease to exist as a sovereign Nation, we would cease to exist.

  2. is one of those "sounded like a good idea things" to keep peace and tranquility with our neighbors but it has become a monster unkind to American workers.  It now clearly has become a haven for big business, auto industry included, to have their products built there so they don't have to pay health benefits or big wages.  It was all to the benefit of the lobby groups and big business.  We got screwed on this one.  So now we not only have to maintain our borders at costly sums while others lose their jobs.  Seems like the gov't is putting us all in the poorhouse.  When big business rules I believe that is known as Facism.


  4. Thang? I'm not sure if it is thang at all. Maybe you could elaborate as to what exactly 'thang' means.

    North American Union is great for Mexico but bad for US. Mexico just doesn't have anything to offer the US I guess. Too bad.

  5. Bad thang if you like our constitution...Good thang if you don't. Its just an expanded NAFTA that would have a committee over-riding local laws. Wealthy GOP want it BAD! As do many wealthy Dems, gotta admit.

    Also, didn"t GWB just sign a pact with Canada that the other country would send their MILITARY to help quell civil protests? I don't think it was Canada's idea, I could be wrong.

  6. First of all, it would never happen.  Canada is not that stupid.  The U.S. would try to make it a "Uber-US" with states 51 and 52 being Canada and Mexico.

  7. good thang for some! bad thang for other!


  8. h**l yes it is a bad thing.  You must not be a firm believer in freedeom, independence, and individuality, which is what the US was founded upon.  Boy, you yanks talk about freedom and independence but so eager to conquer or merge with someone else.  

    BTW, there is no such thing as the American Union.  Get a clue.  This is only paranoiac.

  9. depends on where you live now.

  10. There is no "North American Union" and what is a "thang"?

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