
Is the North American Union between Canada, USA and Mexico an Imperialistic threat against small countries?

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Is the North American Union between Canada, USA and Mexico an Imperialistic threat against small countries?




  1. If Mexico and Canada accepted, they would be fool!

    USA are too much stronger and the other two countries would lose their indipendence.

  2. IT is threat for America,

    IT is project which will alter our constitution, our system of law culture etc

    Many consider such project part of the world government without the people consent and

    at least there are right in something

    Because all is being done without putting into ballots

    If Americans or Canadians or Mexicans wants to be part of such UNion and without not discussion about the legal implications or the issue sovereignty

  3. I doubt they have enough in common to ever consider such a union.

    Canada is a social democracy to a degree; champions welfare and civil stability over market capitalism for assets like health, water, electricity, etc. and not to mention they are socially much more liberal-minded on g*y rights, abortion, etc.

    The US and Canada would never agree on a common foreign policy - the US likes to invade countries whereas Canada takes a more EU like approach. Canada is more interested in the United Nations whereas the US goes unilateral.

    I won't touch on Mexico either, just one point. I doubt the US would allow an open border with a country which has decriminalised drugs. Despite it being the safe and sane approach, you won't find the US admitting the war on drugs is a waste of time and money.

    The kind of commonality between the European members of the EU is not duplicated in North America.

  4. Mexico is a third world country, there is NOTHING imperialistic about mexico, they are only known for not being able to feed and educate their poor which is the majority of their population, they have oil and resources  which are only enjoyed by a very small minority, the rest is the dirt poor, illiterate masses, mexico does not count for any inventions or accomplishments unless you include the pinata.

    Canada and USA are not a threat but an asset to their neighbors and if anything you should use them as examples to try and improve the lives of your population. Can you get that or are you so brainwashed by your communist mentors?, they keep you third world countries busy putting the blame for everything on America, while your governments steal your resources and keep you hungry, poor and illiterate.

  5. I am not aware that Canada, Mexico, or the United States is interested in or would ever even consider such an entity as a "North American Union".    

    I would suggest you verify your information, I suspect it is based on false assumptions.  Heck, just look at the European Union and any sane person would know it is "failed" model.

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