
Is the Palestinian city Jericho the oldest inhabited city in the world?

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I just found out that the Palestinian city Ariha (Jericho) is the oldest continuously inhabited city in the world. How can some people then deny the existence of Palestine?




  1. Nobody denies the existence of Palestine as a region, but it never existed as a country and certainly never as an Arab country.

    Ancient Palestine is divided into different countries today, one of them is Israel.

    Deal with it.

    As for Jericho please read the answers above, they are sitting in OUR land.

  2. Girl, from one girl to another, there is no Palestine yet, so there are no Palestinian citys, there is a Jerico, and it is one of the oldest.

    Some say  Damascus is the world's oldest continuously inhabited city with reports going back at least 3,500 years. It's the capital of Syria and has 1.4 million inhabitants. Damascus is situated on a plateau 680 metres above sea level. While modern Damascus is a standard Middle Eastern city, it has been famous for centuries and often referred to as the 'Pearl of the East'.


  3. I don't think anyone denies the exhistence of Jericho or the longevity of both the Arab and Jewish presence in the area.  The issue seems to have more to do with determining the rightful stewards of the land.

    I wish peace for both sides in this conflict, and I hope I will see it happen in my lifetime.

    Good luck.

  4. Jericho was inhabited by Jews long before the Palestinian nation was created in 1967!

  5. City maybe,but i'm pretty sure there are villages that are older

  6. yes you are correct jericho is thought by archeologists to be over 10,000 years old, Jericho is the oldest known walled city in the world. When Joshua and the Children of Israel entered the Promised Land for the first time, those walls came "tumbling down". "When the trumpets sounded, the people shouted, and at the sound of the trumpet, when the people gave a loud shout, the wall collapsed; so every man charged straight in, and they took the city" [Joshua 6:20].

    there is no palestine,jericho is however a town in the West Bank of the Palestinian territories, located within the Jericho Governorate, near the Jordan River.

  7. According to the Jewish bible Palestinians were living in Palestine before the Jews.

    But Zionism lies and propaganda taught the poor young Zionists that there was no Palestine nor there were people called Palestinians.

  8. lol. jericho wasn't inhabited by arabs. in fact, back then islam didn't exist and there were no arabs in the middle east.

    jericho was an ancient jewish city. it proves that only israel has been on that land continuously.

    the palestinians were invented in 1967.

  9. Canaanites you misinformed dear, CANAANITES not Palestinians.

    Jericho is one of the oldest known cities of the world, possibly founded as early as 8000 B.C. It lies in the Jordan River Valley 17 miles northeast of Jerusalem. It is notable as the first city attached by Joshua and the Israelites as they entered the Promised Land.

    A massive tell mound in the Jordan Valley of Israel, just north of Wadi el-Mafjar. Excavated at various intervals since the late 19th century ad, notably by J. Garstang in 1930–6 and Kathleen Kenyon in 1952–8, the site shows a long and uninterrupted sequence from the Natufian through to the late Bronze Age. The Natufian levels date to about 8000 bc and seem to represent a hunter-gatherer campsite, although Kenyon discovered a rectangular stone platform that may have been some kind of shrine. These are followed by the Pre-Pottery Neolithic A levels (PPNA) at about 7500 bc: a settlement of 4ha was enclosed by a fortification wall that includes a large tower against its inner face. It is one of the earliest permanent settlements known. The houses are round and of mud brick. Subsistence here included cereal cultivation and hunting animals. The succeeding PPNB, dated to c.6500 bc, had rectangular houses with plastered floors. An increased range of crops was cultivated, and it is possible than domesticated sheep were exploited. Evidence of an ancestor cult was found in the form of plastered skulls with cowrie shell eyes. There was a break in occupation after the PPNB, but the site was reoccupied in late Neolithic and Chalcolithic times. This was the Proto-Urban phase dating to about 3200 bc, and it is from here the site begins takes on a distinctively city-like character, the earliest in Israel. The middle Bronze Age town was defended by a glacis rampart and occupied by the Hyksos; it was destroyed by the Egyptians in 1580 bc. The Late Bronze Age town of about 1400 bc has been correlated with the city destroyed, in Biblical accounts, by Joshua and the Israelites.

  10. The majority of cities described in Herodotus (5th BC) are very ancient and still cooking. Damascus is probably the oldest,followed by Gaza City. The area was referred to as Palestine-Syria. Herodotus makes no mention of jews or any jewish kingdoms. Neither do any other Greek,Egyptian or Persian historians. They all reference Syrians and Palestinians and also Phoenicians. No Hebrews,although there was a roving band of thieves and marauders known as the Hiburu. They were most notorious for contract murder & mercenaries) and stealing horses.

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