
Is the Palin choice a transparent ploy for Hillary voters, brilliant, or a real Dan Quayle?

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Is the Palin choice a transparent ploy for Hillary voters, brilliant, or a real Dan Quayle?




  1. I do find it interesting that the same people who were crying a few months ago about America not having the gonads to elect a woman are now placing restrictions on which woman they wanted.  If she's a conservative, apparently, that makes her less of a "woman" or something.  It's very confusing to me.

  2. What are you talking about?  Quayle won with GBush Senior!  This choice is brilliant and the Dems. know it.  They threw Hillary to the curb and now the chickens are coming home to roost, so they will blast Palin every chance they get, but they are shocked and worried by McCain's choice.  She will resonate with middle class voters...which McCain needs in the battleground states.  BHO has the left wing upper class liberals and the blacks, which is not enough to win.  He cracks me up when he talks about being regular folk and blasting the elite, he is so elite it is rediculous...He is an arrogant, empty suit with no moral core or substance.  He is the figment of the liberal left wing of the Dem. party...Scary scenario to me.  He is the favorite of Muslims and Al Queda, does that tell you something where this country is going?  Imagine the terrorist will infiltrate the White House without firing a shot....Unbelievable and very scary.  

  3. Dan Quayle....

    you know they did a collection of stupid things dan quayle said before Bushisms..... ha ha ha ha

    Are you old enough to remember the commercial for the United Negro College Fund?  The slogan was,  A mind is a terrible thing to waste.  He said 'it's a terrible things to lose ones mind" ha ha ha ha

    she's not as dumb as he was though... ohwell

  4. can you say potatoe?

  5. Mac made a real good choice picking Sara.

  6. Palin will appeal to conservatives.  Hillary's supporters are liberals.  Palin will shore up McCain's base but that's not enough to win the election in a year when Dems are fired up AND outnumbering Republicans.

  7. The dems selected a ticket that reflect their values, and the republicans did the same.  You vote your way and I'll vote mine.  There is little comparison between Palin and Clinton (except that both are better than Obama), so I doubt that militant hard core liberal left women are going to support Palin.

  8. I thinks it's a choice for a Reliable, Competant running mate.  

  9. The only thing Palin and Hillary have in common is their gender. If McCain thinks we'll just vote for anyone in a skirt, he is seriously misguided.

  10. It's not a ploy for Hillary voters.  Just because liberals and the MSM don't know anything about her doesn't mean a thing.  Every conservative who's paying attention knows who she is.  McCain's choice of Palin has electrified the Republican conservative base.  Palin is going to be used in every small and medium sized town and city in Virginia, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Michigan.

    Palin's roots aren't in Manhattan, they're flyover country.

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