
Is the Parapsychology Section about parapsychology anymore?

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I see very few questions on here about parapsychology or even the paranormal. Just wondering......




  1. I think what happens is people see the word "alternative" and immediately think of music, but seriously, doesn't anyone notice that it's in the Science section and everything else?

    You'd be surprised at how many people pay very little attention to where they are posting...or just plain don't care.

  2. People..look

    I'm very interested in Parapsychology. I had no idea there was even a Parapsychology section on Y!A before o couple of My R&P Compatriots found it a couple of days ago.

    I have had several paranormal experiences in My life and I find the entire subject fascinating.

    Furthermore, I am also an amateur Cryptozoologist. Y!A doesn't even HAVE a Section for that!

    But all that being said, I understand You being a tad upset at the R&P invasion but honestly folks, remember how many questions there were here before We arrived?

    Drumroll Please.......TWO!!!!!!!!

    Two whole

    I would think You would be grateful for the interested parties we have brought here and just ignore the rest, but that's just Me I guess.

  3. Well, I am still asking Parapsychology Questions, as you can see from my last question.  It is just people that are now coming to this section are not being serious about answering their questions anymore.

    I think that the R&P are also using this section as a "Rock-only Section".  There are always people wanting no Pop music in the R&P Section.  Now that users are coming to a new, less active section, they can probalby ask as many Rock questions as they want and still won't get reported.

  4. Were just trying to make this crappy subject interesting...dont worry we'll move to a different subject in a few days

    but I'm stating until we have fun reading are questions that dosent have anything to do about parapsychology :)

  5. Yes, but there seems to be a lot of 'I don't know where to put it' questions, too. Unrelated stuff. Perhaps Y/A has trouble deciding, and we get the overflow?

  6. Deenie:  Seems to me until these folk lose interest and go back where they came from it's going to just require some patience and tongue in cheek.

    What's happened here is deliberate.  It's also evident a lot of what's being seen is a single individual with no fewer than 15-20 IDs created during the last half of 2007, carefully cultivated, posting elsewhere and voting themselves [himself/herself] up into badges.

    Just hang in there and most of it will probably return to normal.  Anyone who'd do that doesn't seem likely to remain interested in a single not-too-exciting project for long.

    Just my take on things.

  7. Yes the section is still about parapsychology/paranormal it's just that some people choose not to post related questions and choose to engage in disruptive behavior.

    Some even choose to answer their unrelated questions and support their behavior.


  8. Exactly what I was for you babe....

  9. I usually throw my questions into the General - Alternative or Paranormal section since they never seem to address issues specific to parapsychology.

    When I look at questions asked I never drill down to the lowest stratum.  I just click on the "Alternative" link so questions in all three of the sub-categories are visible.

  10. A very rough 24 hour eh? Kind of a "Rock and Pop" disturbance and all? Well music questions will eventually die down, Parapsychology will still rule. It's just the guys were excited and all. We were excited! Jake Rulez d00d started it, Shadows Fall followed through and the rest is history. It's just temporary. We will still be here anyways, but yes, relevant topics next time around.

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