
Is the Pen mightier than the sword?

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Is the Pen mightier than the sword?




  1. Sure

  2. Well I can't imagine a Mont Blanc pen doing much against a samurai sword

  3. I would say Yes  aftter reading this article


    The pen is mightier than the sword' was coined by Edward Bulwer-Lytton in for his play Richelieu; Or the Conspiracy, 1839:

    True, This! -

    Beneath the rule of men entirely great,

    The pen is mightier than the sword. Behold

    The arch-enchanters wand! - itself a nothing! -

    But taking sorcery from the master-hand

    To paralyse the Caesars, and to strike

    The loud earth breathless! - Take away the sword -

    States can be saved without it!

    Bulwer-Lytton may have coined the phrase but he was preceded by several others who expressed essentially the same idea:

    George Whetstone, in t, 1582, wrote "The dashe of a Pen, is more greevous than the counterbuse of a Launce."

    In Hamlet, 1600, Shakespeare gave Rosencrantz the line "... many wearing rapiers are afraid of

    goose-quills and dare scarce come thither."

    Robert Burton's The Anatomy of Melancholy, 1621 includes "From this it is clear how much more cruel the pen may be than the sword."

    Thomas Jefferson sent a letter to Thomas Paine in 1796, in which he wrote: "Go on doing with your pen what in other times was done with the sword."

  4. yes physical wounds heal quicker than wounds inflicted by words

  5. Yes and no.

    The pen can wound emotionally, but the sword can kill you faster than you can write 'ouch'. If you were living in the medieval times, the sword is mightier. But nowadays, the pen would be mightier. Let's face it: not everyone carries a sword. :D

  6. Overall yes, but in hand-to-hand combat I'd rather be the guy with the sword.

  7. Totally! Think of it this way: the sword might do all the battles and killing and such, but really, it's the people that write down all the history and facts with a pen that control the past. And, as George Orwell says in 1984, "Who controls the past controls the future."

    And while the battles of Lexington and Concord might have been "the shot heard round the world", it was really the writings of people like Thomas Paine that got the ball rolling to start the feelings of independence.

    Besides, the pen emulates all that is intelligent, learned, and wise. The sword, however, symbolizes brute force and physical strength. So really what this question is asking is "Which is stronger: mental or physical strength?" In that case, intelligence is totally the way to go. While a sword might win battles, it's the pen that lays out the designs for roads, buildings, and other devices of technology.

    All in all, I gotta hand it to you... good question for a dinner party discussion!!

  8. definitely.. a wrting on a paper can esily emulate an act of violence

  9. Using pen to wrote a serial of information, pertaining someone, in which in the composition of the information that can ignite others to use violence or law to enforce is far better than sword.

    But on the other hand, sword can kill faster than a pen.

  10. It depends on the user.A sword is dangerous in anyone hands espesaccly a novices.But the pen is most dangerous in the hands of someone with a malice intent.

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