
Is the Philippines overpopulated? If so,Why do you think it is?

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kmsca 5! whatever your country is im sure theyre hornier than the philippines!




  1. Yes it is overpopulated, this can be seen on the poverty level.  There is a direct correlation.

    The reasons are several, among other the Catholic Church and corrupt politicians who benefit directly from having an ever-growing (relatively) ignorant mass of people to lead around and fund them.

    Another reason is the attitude of having more children today in order to have more people to take care of you when you are older.  

    If the country implemented a one-child policy some changes would maybe be noticed in a few generations.

  2. Yes our population now is 76,504,077 which is twice the population of a big country in terms of land mass, let's say like Argentina which is a population 37,384,816.

    Factors for the overpopulation are the lack of FREE contraceptives to the masses (sayang ang campaign ni flavier) Lack of jobs which results into more idle time and hours of s*x.

    we should really control the population now, if not pinoys should migrate further and repopulate the larger countries.

  3. in a country that is against artificial birth control and with dim prospects for improved economy, overpopulation has long become a pressing problem.

  4. It most certainly is. It has an economy that cannot support such a large population.

    Factors that cause the over population are many, here are a few:

    No form of birth control as its against the religion,

    Many houses cannot afford a television no other form of amusement,

    Many houses have no electricity so once it gets dark bed time,

    Children are a cheap source of help in the provinces,

    The more children the more chance of assistance in your old age.

  5. overpopulated is a grand understatement , it is caused by people having s*x . The median age is now 16 , most countries have a median age of over 30 . This causes sharp price increases on almost everything and is sure to get very much worse soon , even if the population growth ceased today .

  6. theres more people than wat the economy could support thats wat overpopulation mean.

  7. MOOmy the population is actually closer to 100 Million, no quite there but still... edit: It is about 90.8 Million off the 2008 estimate.

    It is economic to have more kids when you are a poor family. Its is a trend in most poorer countries.

    When you have a kid in a poor country (which probably means they have bad scattered medical facilities) many of your kids die early. So you want to have many kids some some last you. Also more kids means more help, so while you have a big family to feed assign one kid the task of getting LOTS of food and you can have the other 20 cleaning, working for money, taking care of your older mom and dad, tending the fields etc.

    My mother is a victim of this, its not impossible to get an education but it is hard to. What is really sad is that these kids don't have much a a childhood, they become adults at an early age. As a result they make for some crabby pressuring parents expecting you to be a full grown adult like they were at age 10, especially if they are particularly bright and have climbed a tall way up the totem poll...

  8. Religion...

  9. Only because the people all want to live in large groups and without government protection you don't lat long in the provinces.

    There is plenty of land that is open to farming and it isn't being used.  

    At least by Philippine's.  The Chinese have Millions of acres leased growing good rice.

    My wife's family owns several acres in Bohol that is going implanted because after you share with the communist in the mountains there is no profit, and you will share.

    If the Pinoy could elect a real citizen that cares about the people rather than the same old corrupt families over and over they would have a stronger economy.

  10. Filipinos are very horny people.

  11. Yes because the unemployment is so high that the people of the Philippines are forced to work in other countries such as the UAE.  The only way the Philippines will be able to make it is to keep on exporting workers to other countries.  If the people of the Philippines stop having children then the population will start getting older as it is in the USA and then they won't be able to eport as many workers which will cause the economy of the Philippines to collapse.

  12. Yes, it is. The reason is the religion, lack of s*x education and entertainment. In my home country, more than 30 years ago the government already promoted family planning.

    When I arrived in Phil, I was amazed because the people seems like not aware about it (my helper got 18 siblings) . And got plenty of teenager single mothers. Beside that, the tv program and other entertainment also gives negative message.

    My 6 years old son was having the intramural in the school and they have dancing program. And the song for the dance is really horrible. With explicit lyrics. I was shock...they are prep level children for God's sake!!! What the teachers are thinking about?  

  13. The church and its wise ways of banning the use of condoms and the pill. They are slowly getting around to making those things more available but its far to late and has been going on for a long time. Also there is very little form of family planning so it does help at all.  

  14. sadly, yes, iv been there three times, and talk about this alot because my family is philippino. they don't really know about birth control ther and can't afford it. people sometimes end up with 12 kids, and hardly any food to feed them. i's really sad.. :(

  15. The cause should be obvious.  Teenagers are even doing it in the church near my house almost every night.  Maybe they consider that to be immaculate conception, I don't know.   Its out of control and new laws won't help.  When the sun goes down, so does the panties.  

  16. It is not yet over populated.  There are lots of lands for the people to build their shelters.  But the saddest thing is that there are lots of corrupt people who put the money in their pockets instead of using them to ease the burdens of the less priveleged ones.  Also, see those ukay-ukays?  They are the relief good for the devastated areas during typhoon and earthquakes.  What more with the imported blankets and foods?


  17. The Philippines is indeed overpopulated. I use to think that its better since 90 million heads are better that one mole. But it seems that most are brainwashed by the mole with all her fancy promises that never and will never happen.

    Most will say that Filipinos lack education, prospective and proper view of life. But compare us with others, Filipinos have this urge of having more children. They are taking poverty for granted, as long as they will have more. As the saying goes...the more, the merrier. And for the parents perspectives, the would rely on their children to help them out in the future. Again...the more the merrier.

    Hope this helps.  

  18. Only on Christmas.   That is when half its populace overseas come home to party.

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