
Is the R&S forum the most brutal & toughest forum, not for the faint hearted?

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Just noticed someone was so genuinely shocked because I had blocked her profile after seeing that old fashioned Christian intolerance coming out in her answers. She claimed I had no right.

Is this the toughest forum to be in do you think?




  1. Yes. Fundies only give it. They cant take it!

  2. Not the toughest, but lots of Nutters, and Fundies.

    Probably the most rewarding though.

    Even the Trolls are more entertaining than those elsewhere.

  3. Politics and Government is pretty brutal, especially during an election year.

  4. Must be!  You, by blocking her profile shows you are faint hearted as well and couldn't take her comments.  So really it works both ways.  If one can't stand the heat, better get out of the kitchen.  It takes a suit of armor to battle in this forum.  I have my sword and I'm ready!

  5. I hear Cats is pretty violent at some times...

    This is just the section where crack pot theories are just as valid as empirical evidence.

  6. Yeah, I think so. There's so many nasty comments, and I, as a Christian, find some of them quite hard to take. You've just got to accept that people are allowed different opinions

  7. Everyone who frequents this forum is an idiot and an a*****e.

  8. Yeah, you got me there, its tough roaming the slums!

  9. I think more accounts are deleted here than any other topic. It isn't for the faint hearted at all.

  10. Only if you're a p*ssy....

  11. I would agree with you.  I am surprised at how many atheists there are.  Also, there are supposedly educated people who like to debate that all religions are dead and worthless.  I truly astounds me.

  12. I have blocked one person, ny,  but not on R & S.  She persisted in asking idiotic and semi-insulting questions about Australia.  At first I thought she was serious and gave her a serious answer.  She blocked me so I returned the favour.  To h**l with her.

    You can block anyone you please for whatever reason you please. It is your right.  There are idiots, frauds and ratbags all over Y!A but they are probably most common on R & S and almost as common on Astronomy and Space too.  I don't look at Politics & Government much because I have next to no interest in Australian let alone US politics. All politicians are liars.  That is what they do.

    I don't tolerate liars and I do not mince words too much unless the asker is obviously a kid.  So you may see me calling creationist leaders money grubbing frauds and liars.  If there is some other question I see that I know something about I will answer.  

    If you want to be called an idiot, get onto Astronomy and Space and ask about 2012.  One woman there is likely to tear strips off you.

  13. Oh Yeah!!!

  14. Probably one of them. Bull-Fighting would be the toughest, by far.

  15. It's not for humourless people.

  16. No. It's just phenomenally daft! I mean, where else on the web can you find such a concentration of totally delusional nutters?

    I don't take prisoners in this one though and I don't expect any mercy either. This is war!!

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