
Is the RNC afraid of freedom of speech or just little old lady librarians?

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  1. BOTH - they are afraid of people that think for themselves, people that aren't brainwashed by the past 7 1/2 years....people that realize McBush represents another 4 years of Bushism!!

  2. We have no fear of the truth, considering the support given by liberals to the so called "fairness doctrine" its you that have a problem with facts.

  3. they are afraid of people who speak against them. Inside that event a vet put the smack down on McCain for his lame record on veterans issues.

  4. A tough call.  Freedom of speech terrifies them of course.

    But little old lady librarians?  Now those people can be very dangerous. They're liable to expose young minds to things like the Constitution, Thoreau's essay on Civil Disobedience, history. . .

    Just think how many young minds one little old lady librarian can lead away from the GOP fold by filling their heads with facts!

  5. People can exercise their 1st Amendment rights all they want.  It's a way to express differences of opinion.

    I'm afraid that things like socialism, opression, etc. will sneak up on all of us, disguised as peace, freedom of speech, gun control, etc.

    Keep watch on what they are doing in DC, no matter what your opinion of the GOP is.

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