
Is the Relationship worth it?

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I went out with my ex girlfriend for a year, I had an extremely great time with her, made me a happier person alltogether.

i broke up with her for a stupid reason though... the reason was because i thought i was missing out on "the party world" which is... you know, goin out, hangin out, new girls and whatnot... but is being in love at age 17 and thinking about spending life together with somone and talking about marriage is bad? i know i love her, weve been broken up for months now, but lately w have been talking a lot and i can tell that no one else can make me as happy as she makes me... is this a bad thing? to be in love at such an early stage and stay in love? am i gonna miss out on anything?

help me out!




  1. You'll only be missing out on love... which, when you get older becomes really depressing.  Go get her!

  2. You could just be an incredibly mature 17 year old.  

    However you slice it though, statistically speaking, the odds are against 17 year olds being in 1 relationship for the rest of their lives.

    The "party world" isn't really all it's cracked up to be, but at 17, you don't really need to come to that realization yet.  I would stay single, be honest and up front with girls you do meet, and also your ex.  What's sad is seeing guys in their 30's who haven't come to that realization.  At 17, it's practically expected.

    If you and she still feel the same way in 2-4 years, then it was meant to be.

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