
Is the Republican Party in danger of being coming a regional party?

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When I saw the Democratic convention, I saw America. I saw young, old, black, hispanic, asian, white faces.

When I see the Republican convention, I see mostly white people.

Is the Republican Party in danger of losing national power and becoming a southern/mid west regional party?




  1. Regardless of who wins the election, about 80-85% of the nations counties ( across all states ) will vote Republican.  If by "regional" you mean rural/suburban vs urban.. then you're correct.  But by that standard Democrats are only a "regional" party as well.

  2. You only see what you want to see. That's not what I saw at the RNC. I saw America at the RNC but because of different values. Other people see the importance of skin color.

  3. No....

    A lot of Republicans COULDN'T go to the convention....

    See... We do this thing called WORK.

    Not everyone can be on welfare with time to travel and to see a rock star... errrr... I mean Obama..

  4. Please do not "worry" about the republican party being in any danger.The GOP party looks a h**l of a lot more like the party of our founding fathers  and this is a great thing!!!!!

  5. Danger of becoming? We went to War with a Country because the Republican President claimed he was on a mission from GOD.

    This question never posted please answer:;...

  6. no

  7. i noticed the same thing. so you already know what that is abt. America the beautiful. I c ur true colors

  8. Excuse me...isn't it odd how two people can witness the same event but draw opposing conclusions. When I watched the Democrat Convention I saw the 'Blame America First' crowd in full view. A bunch of cry babies and deadbeats looking for a government hand out if you ask me. And isn't it ironic that the 'party of the minorities' always focuses on race. Always! Whereas, Republicans look across a room full of people and see nothing more.... than a bunch of Americans. So let me ask you...why do you choose to view so many Americans in such a negative light? Have you been drinking the Kool-Aide?


    OBAMA /BEDIN 2008


    Who is pointing out race?

    Wow, the left sure has vertigo!

    *As for the comparison between the Republican Party to the n**i party*

    I shall point out the facts.

    The n***s were a socialist party.

    They were pro-infanticide, Pro-government controlled healthcare, and pro-abortion. Oh, and they banned smoking once they took power!

    Therefore, they sound more like the democrats party platform. That continually seeks more and more control over our lives.

  11. You mean compared to the bi-coastal Democratic party?

  12. You see white and black I see ,, Barack Obama just as unfit with no executive experience forget color he is not good for the USA vote for the good of your counrty not to elected the 1st black man

  13. I understand your question. The republican party will never cease to exist because as long as there are children born into republican families, it will be hard to get these children to see things from an outside perspective. The same goes for democratic families. We learn first from our parents. We tend to take on our families religious beliefs, political party, language and social acceptance. This is why we still have racism as prominent as it is. It is not a neurological development. It is socially learned. From birth until school age we learn our views from our parents. We then go to school with our views and share them with our peers. It is not wrong for someone to have their own opinion, but in some cases their opinion is not one of their own. It takes a lot to break a habit or a view we adapt from our parents. Even though the republican party is thinning in the newer generations, it will never be deleted all together. If it comes a chance where it looks to be getting too low, they will probably shift their views a little more like they have, in order to attract a wider following.

  14. I will admit that I am a moderate conservative and this does trouble me. However, I'm not going to change my beliefs because we look different at this time in history. This party needs to do a better job of reaching out because history proves that most Americans tend to be just right of center on most of their beliefs.

    With motivated and self-assured individuals who are not afraid to be labeled as "Uncle Toms" or "token" whatevers, this party can articulate that the Democrat party has used a victim mentality and the reality of uninformed voters to influence people to vote against their conscience.

  15. No, we are on the verge of electing a great man and a great woman. Country First

  16. i'm becoming more and more convinced that race obsession is a

    mental illness!

  17. Yes it's a very monolithic party, it should be called the Aparteid party

  18. You can have the blacks and mexicans. We'll be just fine by ourselves.

  19. if you believe in a party that much.....your cRaZy

  20. Since there are lots more Republican states than Democrat states maybe you should turn your question around.

  21. nah most of us white people dont like them either just racists and oilgarchs. They should rename the grand oil party or the haliburton hoggs

  22. Ironic too is the fact that the region it represents is the one it destroyed to assure the continuation of the radical Republican domination after the Civil War.  The military rule and economic rape of the South was to keep southerners out of the political process and too poor to compete economically.  They put poor uneducated former slaves in positions of power and watched with amusement the destruction of state governments.  In the early 1950s Georgia finally paid off the debt the white carpetbagger - mentored black legislatures  incurred. This strategy with the disenfranchisement of all confederate soldiers also  worked to drive a wedge between blacks and whites, a relationship the northern GOP feared because of amicable relations between many despite slavery.  Now the southern Baptists carry out their Republican 'conservative' agenda in a futile effort to change a      government they blame with the party that destroyed their future  through the radical reconstruction program.  That same party backed another military man, General Ulysses S. Grant.  He was one of the worst Presidents in the history of this country.  Will history repeat itself?

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