
Is the Ron Paul convention more exciting than the RNC?????

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Is the Ron Paul convention more exciting than the RNC?????




  1. I'm sure it is for some people.

  2. Yes it was and it was far more intelligent too.

  3. Ron who?

  4. I don't care about either, they're just dog and pony shows!

  5. The Libertarian convention was actually very exciting as the candidate was actually chosen by the delegates in a series of ballots that saw three changes in lead. Something that hasn't happened in the major parties since 1924 I believe.

    The debates, openness, and variety in opinions were also highly refreshing.  

  6. I watched it, and recorded it to watch it again with my friends and neighbors. Yes, it WAS more exciting than the RNC and DNC put together.  If only people would pay attention and WAKE UP! We'd have our Republic back.

  7. Yes.  I got to wear my Spock ears to Ron Paul's convention.  The RNC wouldn't let me.

  8. Sure it's more exciting...everyone there is a nut case, including Ron Paul.

  9. I bet. Too bad the media is hiding it. What does that really tell you about the GOP's values? Paul does not fit the lobbyist agenda, so they write him off.

  10. Do they have better riots?

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