
Is the Royal family Important?

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Is the Royal family Important?




  1. Not terribly..

  2. I guess to some they are.

  3. To each other,but not to me.

  4. to what i saw of prince charles last sat at golden jubilee of army air corps they are not important .

  5. Past the sell by date. But preferable to red Ken becoming president!

  6. You better believe it. They had a huge fan base. I do hope Caroline Aherene thinks about a new series.

  7. Of course they are important. They are a family of parasites, taking money from the tax payer to maintain their hedonistic lifestyles, while having a personal fortune big enough to make Donald Trumps eyes light up!

    As a family they are more messed up than any drug using single parent on a council estate, if a 'normal' family went on the Jeremy Kyle show with their tales no one would believe them!!

    It is high time they were put out to pasture (and left to live off their own money) - the fact that they continue to suck the tax players blood makes them very important!!

  8. Depends on who you ask.  Nobody really cares about any royal family until something tragic or scandalous happens.  But until then, they are just set dressing for whatever country they live in.

  9. No, all they do is live off from the people.

  10. Yes I think they are. They give the country an identity and they are part of our long and intresting history. The Queen has done a very good job and has represented us well on the international stage. She is a reassuring figure during times of national trouble she never changes she is always the same, calm and dutiful. To all of those who say she is not worth all the money, which actually costa us one pence a year per each person I believe she is money well spent. I would like to know how much per head a year the immigrants cost.

  11. They are not at all important. Neither, unfortunately, are they impotent.

  12. Nope, theyre just there, like celebrities are, gives the papers something to write about.

  13. It is very important. In my country they got rid of the king..and comunism followed..meaning the religion was forbidden in school..and i heard the name of God at school (except some topics of literature)only once when the teacher of literature was very upset that a student was copying..and He said '' for the name of God!'' and he never ben furious before..just giving bad marks to those who didn't read the novel etc..but they graduated with high marks and were pleased..we were obliged to read manuals and reproduce the text saying we are species...and talking about the theory of darwin and its consequences as an absolute truth. My grandmother used to say..that Jesus will come during my life...

  14. I think you'll find the British Royal family are impotent

  15. no not at all

    but they do bring a fair bit of tourism in to the country

  16. According to nearly every post I have read from a supporter, they are an essential tourist attraction!

    If that's the best their supporters can come up with then I don't see how they can be much use to anyone but themselves.

    Lets face it, they are here because they inherited the job of owning the country and its population.

    If the country is, as most are in the 21st century, being run on the lines of a business i.e. the UK plc. wouldn't it be more efficient if it were in the hands of it's shareholders (subjects) and directors (the government) without wasting the 'companies' resources on a figurehead?

  17. Yes if you care about British freedom and understand there role in it. Constitutional monarchy works in preventing dictatorship it keeps party politics from the top the crown is a unifying symbol for all regardless of party support . It links us with our past it is living history and the envy of the world. Only sad and uneducated republicans usually of a left wing persuasion will attack it  using misinformation mainly about money ( fact: more money goes to the state than out regarding the monarchy) and the issue of democracy painting a picture of imperial monarchy not constitutional. What is really sad though is many are happy with unelected bureaucrats in Brussels running our affairs I'm far more concerned with that then the Royal Family it is time we had a referendum on that issue.

  18. not to me, but then again only my immediate circle of acquaintances are.

  19. Maybe to lots of people in England but not to me in Scotland, except Princess Diana, she was a wonderful person and done a lot for 3rd world countries but I will never be a fan of the Royal Family.

  20. no

  21. It's important that we get rid of them.

  22. I think the Royal Family themselves aren't that important, but they bring in a lot of revenue to britain, if you think of what people say when they've visited london...we went to buckingham palace...they definately do bring in the visitors..

    And to the answer up top, it was fairly obvious which royal family they were on about...don't forget where on Yahoo UK AND IRELAND!!!

  23. A monarch is a symbolic figure. It is important if the royal family is part of a nation's history and culture.

  24. Which one?  We have millions of them across the globe, and even distant relatives who are of royal blood.  Be more specific.

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