
Is the Sarah Palin episode just a trap for Democrats?

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What if McCain/Rove never intended for her to be nominated? She withdraws before Wednesday because of the "mean old liberal press" and cries a lot. Then McCain appoints Romney or Pawlenty. They will argue that Obama doesn't have that much experience either. I predict this is what they have up their sleeve.




  1. What a bunch of very insecure people on here!!!!!!!

    America loves Palin she is strong, smart, has charisma and also has more experience than Obama.

    Why do you people hate so much, isn't it a waste of time.  They say it is not good for your soul.  Go for issues that effect our economy rather than bash a middle class person and her family.

  2. Then McCain looks like an idiot for picking someone who couldn't stand the glare of the media spotlight.  

    This is his first presidential level decision, and he's totally messed it up.

  3. any genuine truthful individual that dis agrees with them is a trap for democrats.

  4. Sweet

    If true that could be the October surprise

  5. Won't happen. She is in the race for good or bad. Deal with it.

  6. I wonder about that too, except that if McCain gives Palin the boot, it's still bad because it shows his first pick was a bad one and makes him look even more like an idiot.

  7. Nope, they just screwed up. How rare is that.

  8. McCain  could never win this  election if he had Jesus as a running mate, bush has set the party back so far their is no hope at all for republicans , everyone was so worried a black man named Obama would be running America down even worst than bush ever did, but the real truth is for the first time since Kennedy we now have some hope that things are about to happen . a country is not run by one man it is and always will be run by  many by Americans, no one should ever find fault in any  of the VP"s  picks. we need some very serious

    change, i will tell you this, Obama will bring America back to its past glory. doesn't McCain understand we are a defeated people who demand a real turn around not some past Miss Alaska with a family of normal kids,

  9. Why? Palin has governing experience, Obama has none. She's infinitely more qualified than Obama and she's just the next VP. You hope and pray she drops out so you'll have a chance. You're making every woman that's ever struggled feel sorry for her, lol.


    McCain/Palin '08!

  10. I think everyone is waiting and praying it is a joke and the real candidate steps forward, people are stunned at his choice. She will attract the bible thumpers and g*y bashers and gun totin fools for sure.

  11. wouldn't surprise me....  they would rather play games with the country than do what is best for the country......

  12. I hope they do that would be hilarious, Obama has proved himself already to the American people. His judgment is even better than those who claim have more experience.

  13. yea. you wish.

    McCain really screwed up on that one.

    there's so much more on this lady.

    this is just the tip of the ice burg.

    How can McCain wants to be our president and failed to make a proper back ground check for the second greatest job in the world??

    can some body explain that to me?

    that proves, just like on the Iraq issue, McCain does not have good judgement what so ever

  14. I think that might be it.

  15. As long as the Democrats pound on Palin and her family, the sympathy from average Americans who go through all these problems will escalate.  The Democrats are sounding like so many hypocrites.  They ignore Edwards and his love child.  They adore Jamie Lynn Spears when she is preggo at 16, they admire Hillary for handling a tough situation with her husband cavorting with so many other women, and then because Palin is a Republican they slam her unmercifully.  The voters aren't dumb like the elitists believe.

  16. They are sticking with her.  The Republican machine has a way of turning negatives into positives.

  17. You are so confused aren't you? lol....yes it is a trap and you guys fell into it head over**n that's funny! Thanks for the laugh!

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