
Is the Sea really female?

by Guest57416  |  earlier

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The Sea Is My Love

When but a lad, I went to sea,

A sailing man I wished to be.

I learned the ways a sailor knows,

To tell a man by knots he throws.

For years it seemed, I sailed the world,

I watched as billowed sails unfurled.

The sea much like a woman be,

At least is seems that way to me.

She holds us in her magic spell,

But when we slip, she gives us h**l.

She'll rock you softly as you sleep,

And beat you down until you weep.

But never do we leave her side,

Our life's dependent on her tide.

I'm old and I can't go to sea,

So on this beach she comes to me.

I come here each and every day,

I talk to her in just this way,

I tell her she's my only love,

And will be till I go above.




  1. How lovely, This makes me wish I were that very Sea.

    Perhaps then, A man would come to me.

    Thankyou dear Sir, very much enjoyed!

  2. Very, very sweet poem Dondi. My Grandpa would have loved it, and he would have agreed. He was a beach man. His favorite beach was Crash-boat in Aguadilla, P.R.

    May I or may I not, share this poem with my mom?  

  3. Indeed 'she' is.  Fickle at times...but that's a woman's it not? My very early ancestors were all sailors...and then I up and married one!

    Very nicely done!

  4. I do believe you have quite eloquently answered your own question. Beautiful poem...although, would I be rather *off* if I, too, found myself in love with the sea?

  5. "Hi!",

    I love the ocean and miss it so much. If it wasn't for my husband I would still be living near the sea. I look at ocean as Emotion. nor male or female.

    I love your poem.

    written well.


    Cheers : )

  6. I think they way the sea and women are compared is very valid, you cant cant live with us and u cant live without us!

  7. I would give almost anything to hear you sing this...on your porch sipping a julep, watching fireflies...master weaver of tales!

  8. I really enjoyed this, thank you.

  9. Having spent a great deal of time at sea... this has a special meaning. I liked the picture you painted and really enjoyed the poem...

    A small suggestion only because when I find myself using the word "just" I personally am always looking for a better way to say it... in the 3rd to last line instead of "just this" think about "a special."

    In any case the poetry flowed well and I enjoyed it.

  10. Your magic speaks again with this offering.  Loved the third stanza.  

  11. That is just cruel to read as she has me held captive at this very moment. Oh how I wish she would wash me to your beach and not steal my breath with 40 knot winds....No man could ever hold me the way she, the sea, does.

  12. I too am drawn to water.My great grandfather was a Spanish salior, it must be in the genes.I must get to the lake every year or I am not complete.It calls me.It calms me,it makes me content.I live far from the sea,so I must be content with visiting one of the Great Lakes.====Loved the poem.  

  13. This is strange; I see the Ocean as a male with changing moods. All the men poets see the ocean as a female. This would never have happened in Greek mythology. I really wonder if there is a way to do research on this phenomenon.

  14. I've seen her in grey, and blue, and green

    Watched her when foaming,

    Seen her serene.

    Then casually roaming,

    Stood by her shore

    And gathered the riches

    She had in store.

    Thalassa Greeks called her

    The Latins Mare

    Feminine to each other

    Which ever way.

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