
Is the Springboks Bryan Habana the most exciting player in World Rugby ?

by Guest66940  |  earlier

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As an Aussie even I can appreciate the greatness of this man ! Hes a real little rocket, stealthy, deception and lighteniing fast, almost wish he was a Wallaby, his a real game breaker !




  1. No , George Gregan is .

  2. That's a difficult one, THE most exciting player?

    My personal favourite to watch is Richie McCaw but I suppose most people find backline play more exciting. There are a number of players who can be the most exciting player in the World on their day but I can't actually think of one who would be more exciting than Bryan Habana. So yes, I'd have to agree with you, provided he gets enough ball.

  3. as a south african i would like to thank u for that complimant and yes there will be more to see from bryan habana at this world cup u must see him when he runs from the back its like ligthning that ran past u and austrailia played brilliantly on saterday rocky elsom three tries crish latham gruber kick try our game vs samao was also great bryan scoring four i hope that it will be a repeat of 1995 when won the cup

  4. One game doesn't make you the man.Against the AllBlacks he has never threaten,he's a good winger great balanced runner with pace ,its the quarters and semi's is where you see what real steel in players that play awesome under pressure,Doug Howlet ,Dan Carter ,Ricthie McCaw are players like that they are ALL BLACKS

  5. habana is excellent

  6. Bryan Habana is something very special. And yes, he could just be the most exciting player you will see at this year's world cup.

  7. any NZ or Australian winger could have done the same

  8. Jeez Wayne, what's up mate? This is maybe the first RWC question you have posted that is on the money.

    Big fat yes. Habana is definitely one of the most exciting players  at the world cup.

    Check the clip below of Habana racing a Cheetah - sick !

  9. I have to agree that he is pretty awesome.

    He has proved himself time and again over the last 3 years, but has never been at the level he is at currently!

    I think 2 more exiting young South Africans to watch is Pierre Spies (missed out on World Cup due to illness), and Frans Steyn. Both have great futures ahead of them!

  10. I have to agree. If Habana gets a the ball, he is not easy to catch once he starts running, he is fast on his feet and after yesterday he showed everyone his strength

  11. Please he has one good game and he's what the most exciting player in World Rugby.  I don't think so.  When he plays against a higher standard of competition then we will see just how good he is.

  12. As a South African I feel proud about Bryan Habana on our rugby team.  Hes like lightning fast and its fun watching him.  My wife is an Aussie too and she to really appreciates him.  Anyways the Aussies also look like a strong team especially against Japan 91-3.  Also my wife is giving birth to our first baby in a few weeks from now.  Also a baby boy and she wants to name him Bryan but not after Bryan Habana but after Bryan her brother who died in a car accident.

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