
Is the Supreme Court eligible for impeachment for not protecting the Constitution in light of todays decision?

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Is the Supreme Court eligible for impeachment for not protecting the Constitution in light of todays decision?




  1. I assume the decision to which you refer is the declaration by the Court that the Guantanamo detainees do have rights under our Constitution while in the custody of our government.  Is the ruling they made in this decision subject the members of the Court to impeachment?

    If Congress wants to impeach the members of the Supreme Court, they will.  There is not really anything stopping them.  The question is more of whether the members of the Court committed an offense that would warrant impeachment, and the answer is most certainly no.

    But one thing that must be kept in mind, the members of the Supreme Court do not and cannot answer to public opinion.  They answer to no one but the law and the Constitution.  However they as individuals are still subject to the law, meaning if they break the law during the course of their lifetime service, they may be impeached.

  2. Yes Congress can impeach judges and have in the past (generally at the lower federal level).  The could impeach the Supreme Court judges too, but impeachment would be hard to do with a split Congress (about an equal number of Democrats and Republicans) for something like this.  If anyone got a prison sentence on that level it still might not be likely if it's likely the new judge (the president picks the judge so one is often picked for having the same view as the president) will have an opposing view of the replacing judge.

    Impeachment on this level would be based on vote and Democrats like non literal translations of the Consitution to be able to skirt certain laws.  That means the red states will get more red and the blue states will get more blue because the ruling on both Gitmo and for California the marriage ruling.

  3. Yes , congress could impeach ( but wont )  and  the President has the power to arrest  the justices for sedition (but wont) .

  4. The House of Representatives can vote for impeachment and the Senate can hold a trial. What decision are you talking about?

  5. I think they did protect it.  I'm no constitutional scholar are you?

  6. No, it's just another court decision that didn't happen to favor the Psychiatric Radical Party. You'll just have to get over it. The HABEAS CORPUS (the Great Writ) has been around for close to a thousand years and a little insect like George Bush just can't undo that. It's shameful that he tried. Just take your meds like the doctor said and all will be OK.

  7. It should be. I like how the left wing liberal bias media is just delighted that this decision hurts Bush. No, it hurts all Americans.

  8. Actually you've got it wrong.  The Court of the arbiters of what is and is not constitutional.  That is their sole job.  Justices are appointed for LIFE in anticipation of controversies like this. The founding fathers wanted them protected from the vagaries of politics so that they might rule as they saw fit.  It would be near impossible to remove a justice from the bench.

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