
Is the Tang Dynasty City in Singapore haunted?

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I've heard some pretty scary stories from people in my school.

Those people went exploring there.

So i need some vital information and stories (best if you have) about this place from you people.

Do reply!

You have my thanks!




  1. A  place deserted for too long, always harbours an element of danger, either man-made or otherwise. I wouldnt try to fool around with the Unknown world of spirits, which dont benefit at all, but expose the weak individual to unknown risks--unless you are a professionally-trained medium.  

    There are really far greater mysteries to explore without risking life, sanity and limb...Cheers!!

  2. There was a Tang Dynasty City near Jurong in early 1990s, but it has been closed down more than ten years.

  3. it's not.. it just ran out of business..

    but dont be disappointed if u see no ghosts cos alternatively, u can try to 'catch monkey'... u know wat i mean. try peeping into cars which look suspicious at all the dark unlit car parks..... yeah...

  4. The WHOLE of Singapore is haunted. Singaporeans have this fascination with haunted places, ghosts and such, maybe because we live on a small tiny island and there's nothing much to see (you can get around the whole of Singapore in just under a day).

    Just reflect on it, your primary school was haunted, your neighbourhood is haunted, every place that you have been to is haunted, according to your friends or relatives. So I don't think there's any place in Singapore that is not haunted, except for places of worship because they are supposed to be holy.

    Other then that, I can't think of any place that is NOT haunted.

    My verdict: The whole of Singapore is haunted, and someone needs to chase them ghosts out, if not more ghost stories are going to surface because us Singaporeans are too bored with life and have nothing better to do, other than to talk about ghosts and spread rumours.


  5. No such thing, maybe you are really timid, so they made up some stories for you.

  6. almost everywhere in singapore is said to be haunted. i'm not sure if it's true. though i did have one creepy experience 3 years ago in theholding site of my secondary school. but somtimes it's really up to you to believe it.

  7. No.. never heard that is haunted

  8. Where do you get this idea from? This is NONSENSE. There is no such thing.

  9. You want to find ghost then head to Old View Rd Hospital as there are more ghost then Tang Dynasty. Its notthing much then a old kampung there before and the stories are only known by people who went there before.

  10. No!What stories?

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