
Is the Telsa roadster an indication of the car most americans will drive in the future?

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It gets 220miles per 3.5hour charge, has a top speed of 125mph and does 0mph to 60mph in 4seconds. Unfortunately, the price of the vehicle make it out of the reach of most americans. It's priced at $109,000 because the battery is very expensive. Is this the car of the future?




  1. Yes, without a doubt.

    In our energy future, solar and alternatives will be the source.  

    Electricity will be the delivery mechanism

    Count on it.

  2. No, it is not. i have an idea for my own electric vehicle that can be priced at almost half of that and, as far as it looks, never needs to be recharged. Unfortunately, I have yet to make the test prototype. I am hoping to do so within 5- 10 years. It should be the car of the future.

  3. It's a rich persons toy.  It's more like a porsche than a car we would all drive.  Although, I do feel the future of cars is electric or hydrogen - they will be considerably less sporty.

  4. EEStor, Inc. has an untracapacitor called Electrical Energy Storage Unit which combines the best of batteries and untracapacitors.  The advance is based on a barium-titanate insulator claimed to increase the specific energy far beyond that achievable with todays untracapacitor technology.  It is claimed that this new advance allows for a specific energy of about 280 watts per kilogram -- more than double that of the most advanced lithium-ion technology and 10 times that of lead-acid batteries.  This could translate into an electric vehicle capable of traveling up to 500 miles on a 5 minute charge.  The company claims it will be able to mass produce the units at a fraction of the cost of today's lithium-ion batteries.  Zenn ( hopes to have cars utilizing the technology on the road by the Fall of 2009.

    I believe future cars will either be the above or today's cars powered by "green gasoline."  See for more details on clean gasoline made from wood waste, grasses, and other biomass.

  5. No. The Tesla is much to expensive and only sits two persons.

    Less expensive EV's may become popular in the cities in the future. Several are planned for the future, but the new design batteries needed are still under development. Still waiting.

  6. Yes, except less sporty and powerful.  There are several affordable highway speed EVs coming out in the next year or two.  Electric vehicles are definitely the transportation of the future because they're so efficient, environmentally friendly, and the infrastructure (power grid) is already in place.  See the link below for further details.

  7. Yup.. but only favors for the rich masses

  8. That's the whole problem.  If you want fast and long, it's expensive.  Battery technology is not there yet.  For a more reasonable picture, look at the Think car about to be sold in California, perhaps.  It may only cost about $20K for a car the size of a Smart car, but it doesn't seem to have a/c and you also have to LEASE the batteries for another $150 to $200 per month.  So, if it's just about the money, a Toyota Corolla is a better deal even if gas goes to $6 per gallon.

  9. I believe the cars I have are the cars of the future, and they weren't expensive at all. They are a Ford Crown Victoria and a Ford F-150 pickup truck. What's so special about them? They run on natural gas (methane). Ford made them that way in 1999 and 2000, so the technology has been here; I just didn't know about it until recently. It costs 64 CENTS per gallon to fill them up here in Utah, and they burn 99% cleaner than any gasoline-powered vehicle. The gas mileage is the same as with regular cars of their sort, but I can fill up for less than $10. The only drawback so far is that not all states have a place to refuel them. You'll have to check for yourself if there are stations in your area, and if not, call up your local politicians and find out why. Push for it and it will become a reality! That's my 2 cents on the subject...

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