
Is the Trombone the most dangerous instrument to play?

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Especially when you are playing Flight of the Bumblebees - you could have someone's eye out! It's a health and safety rep's worst nightmare and probably why you don't see them in orchestras so much any more.




  1. Try playing <<THAT>> with a mouth harp !

    Now do you think that trombone is really dangerous with all those rounded corners on it?

    If you're not careful you could RIP your Tongue right off, if not assault your Lips with it !

    It's a dangerous instrument with masochists....and Sadists would make you play "Flight of the Bumblebee" for their own pleasure....

    Faster! Faster!  Oooooooh were almost there ! FASTER!

  2. Ha! Actually

    I think the cello looks pretty dangerous!!! I think that could flatten any 1!!!!

  3. Not completely sure about the playing aspect, but I twirl in my high school marching band and when the drill gets harder I always seem to find myself dodging them! I got hit in the mouth once... yes I do I think they're rather dangerous!!

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