
Is the Twilight Series enjoyable for everyone?

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I know its a love story, but so what? Romeo and Juliet was one of the biggest love-stories, and both guys and girls like it or hate it. So would it be enjoyable to read, like filled with depth and such, or is it just mushy and girly.




  1. It's a love story from a girl's point of view, so girls relate more to it. But i think both genders can really enjoy cuz it's more than a love story. Take a story about a girl whose madly in love, add some vampires, crazy love twists, Lots of action, and BAM, you have a twilight book. There's actually alot of action and mystery, and as the love part goes, it's not exactly mushy. It's more tender. Like the in the first book, you feel more compassion in a tender kiss, than you would in some book that shoves s*x down the reader's throat.

  2. Yes, I think it works for everyone. It is a romance, but that's not all. There's also other parts to the story that make it more fun to read.

  3. if i saw a boy reading twilight series i'd think he was g*y

    I LOVE EDWARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  4. People have very mixed feelings about Twilight. The writer's strong suit is fantasy escapism, and many girls like the books because they're attracted to Edward and see themselves in Bella's position. But the writer's weakness is... well, writing. And plots. And interesting characters. So yeah, it's nonsense fluff. If you like books that you consider well-written, you probably won't like Twilight.

  5. I personally loved the Twilight series, however, no book(s) is enjoyable for everyone. Some people loved the book, others didn't.  It's more of a girl series, I believe, but some guys love them too.  It all depends on who you are.  Some people who don't like fantasy books didn't enjoy the series but I'm not a big fantasy lover and those books were hands down my four top fave books.  I hope that answered your question ( :

  6. Well, Edward has a huge fight scene, Bella is ready to be killed by a vampire, the Jasper and Alice go across theh country to protect Bella... No it's not a mushy gushy kind of book. It's filled with vampires and werewolves!!! Oh and cars.

  7. In R+J there wasn't any "ZOMG Edward, he is sooo hot" narration

  8. YES.

    there is a love story for the females and the action and superhero part for the boys. :P

  9. ok, so here's the deal....i reallly do like the twilight series, a loT! but i wouldnt consider it a story/bool with a lot of depth. Romeo and juliet are a classic, so lets not compare. people read romeo and juliet because it literature and twilight because its a good story. i dont think that twilight will be literature in the future seeing how the writing is a bit weak. but the story itself is good, i guess. i loved it because of edward. if it wasnt for edward's character i dont think i wouldve loved it as much as i do. so yes twilight could be enjoyable for everyone, if they are looking for a good story.

  10. No I did not like it the books have gotten progressively worse.

  11. in romeo they had a better fight scenes lol, i guess their isnt much dark so if u like forbidden love working out fairy tale ending at the end which i do thats the book for u!! harry potters kewl tho i love them and their little majic

  12. Yes. I thought it would be nothing but romance and I love it. I personally didn't want to read it but when my friend told me to read the first page it got me hooked. I like it so and my friends say the whole series is better than Romeo and Juliet.  

  13. No. men, older people (id say older than 30 or maybe even 25), and both boys and girls under around 11 might not find it entertaining. however, if you are a teenage girl, then you might love it. i didnt love it though. at best it was a little below mediocre.

    i didnt really think it was that deep. i thought the characters were more on the shallow side, especially bella, and its definitely more mushy and for those looking for good chick literature/ romance novels.

    you cant compare it to romeo and juliet because thats supposed to be classic literature, geez.

    i almost forgot to throw in that it was poorly written. whoops. i guess that might be important to some.

  14. I've read the first 3 books so far.  There is a LOT of girly romance stuff.  But, there's also a lot of action and suspence and tales/legends about the vampires and werewolves.  And there's stories of the past and stuff.  It's quite interesting.  And I don't understand how people don't like the writing.  I mean, it's not scholarly doctorate writing.  But it's VERY easy to read and understand.  And it reads quick!

    Now, that's a girl's point of view.  For a guy, my boyfriend's cousin read the first one and didn't like it because of the romance.  I'm making my boyfriend read the first one anyway so he can go to the movie with me.  He's like half way through it and doesn't like it very much.  But he's reading it anyway to please me.  LoL.  He doesn't like the romance and he thinks there's not enough action.

    So, if you don't mind the romance, then I say give it a try.  If you don't like it, then at least you can say you tried!!  LoL.  Good luck and happy reading!

  15. no i personally think it would be enjoyable for everyone. there really isnt alot of mushy gushy stuff. and dont listen to the haters... i love the twilight series and they are amazing

  16. It would depend on people's opinions. Many say the series was very enjoyable, while others say it was good, but got worse and some even say the whole thing was horrible. Its all perception. I, however, enjoyed the series very much. There was a few parts in Breaking Dawn, however, that were a little shaky.

    Its both depth and mushy. It IS written in a girl's point of view (with the exception of Jacob's now and then) and therefore its going to be more mushy than if it were told by a male. It does offer depth to it, exploring how if you believe in love, it can take you far. That's just one example off the top of my head.

    But, I think you'd have to read it for yourself to accurately answer this question.  

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