
Is the Twilight series good?

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I really love to read story books.I haven't read any of the twilight series

People say that it is very good

Should I read the twilight series




  1. hmn.... I have read the whole 4 books ... Twilight, new moon, eclipse and breaking dawn... me and my friends are sometimes going overboard with that topic, some of them had created their group called anti-twilight... well,  

    in my opinion is its not good,,,, ITS FANTASTIC!!!!!

  2. I actually didn't think it would be good,but then y cousin practically MADE me read it...I actually like it.Its a good book series for any ppl who like to read any type of books. Ex. romance,horror,ect. its pretty cool. you should read it! YOU will never know if its a good book for YOU to read if u don't give it a try!

  3. take from library - you may like them or not but you won't b spending money =P and you can stop if it tedious you

  4. I found Twilight to be nothing to write home about.  However, the author managed to catch the interest of a lot of people.  Don't expect a well written masterpiece though.  See if you can get a copy from the library or borrow one from a friend before spending money in the book and see for yourself.

  5. I thought it was fun and interesting.

  6. Just read the books and come up with your own opinion.

    My opinion on the series is that it could've been way better.  The idea of the story was good but the author took it the wrong direction.


  7. Yes, it is. It has a fast-paced plot, but not too fast-paced, and has very vivid details and imagination. Also not very gory.

  8. Not the best series i've read.The characters where a bit "dry"  and didnt have anything special in them that would make them stand out.And the idea for the book is pretty basic a mortal girl falls for a s**y vampire.I'm not saying the it was bad, but just that it was OK.

    However thats my opinion,maybe you'll love it.Besides it can never hurt to just read and if you dont want to buy it you could borrow from a friend:)

  9. I thought the books were good in the sense that the plots were good. In my opinion, though, they were over written and the characters were somewhat...lacking in a way. Also, I think Edward was WAY too perfect to be true, even for a fictional vampire! And then, on the other side of the spectrum, Bella was WAY too not-perfect to be true. No one is as selfless, stupid, etc., as she is in the book in real life, and Mrs. Meyer should have taken that into consideration.

    But as far as the series as a whole? If what I mentioned above had not been there, it would have been one of the best series I have ever read!

  10. I found them quite enjoyable, particularly the first book.  However, the emphasis is heavily on romance, more so as the series progresses, and so if you don't care for romance you may not like them.

  11. i personally love the series, but some people didnt like them, but only you can decide, but i think you should give them a shot! =)

  12. meh they're all good. but its all a bit annoying because bella isnt good enough for her boyfriend but he worships her. it frustraits the reader or in my case it does. :D

  13. it's not terribly bad, it could have been a lot better but that's what you get for reading a teenage love story that's written like a VC Andrews novel. it has just enough for it to be called a child's story and a little bit more for it to be a mature story. wheather or not you want to read it is up to you, the series is more targeted to young adolescent girls entering puberty.  

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