
Is the U.S. a Democracy or a Constitutional Republic?

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Please consider the following quotes:

In the Scott McClellan testimony, Republican Steve King rips Bill Delahunt for criticizing our 'Democracy'.

REP. STEVE KING, R-IOWA: I thank the gentleman chairman. And I'd like to start out by agreeing with the gentleman from Massachusetts. He said, "This is not a democracy." I couldn't agree more, and I pray it never will be, that it remains a constitutional republic, where we actually have a chance to move this society forward with a representative form of government.

George Bush on foreign policy:

"And the second way to defeat the terrorists is to spread freedom. You see, the best way to defeat a society that is -- doesn't have hope, a society where people become so angry they're willing to become suiciders, is to spread freedom, is to spread democracy." --George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., June 8, 2005




  1. We are a representative republic.  A Democracy would be total anarchy, as no way to please everyone.

  2. This whole argument is total bulls**t.  We are a constitutional democracy, a democratic republic, a republican democracy, a constitutional democracy. Both REPUBLIC and DEMOCRACY mean RULE OF THE PEOPLE.  It's just semantics.

  3. Not only am I getting sick and tired of seeing "it's a republic, not a democracy," being repeated over and over again, ad infinitum ad nauseum, but I especially want to point out to all of you who keep repeating this boring argument that, given the way that the U.S. Supreme Court has been behaving during most of the 20th Century, the only proper way to describe our country is that it is neither a democracy or a republic but it is -- for all practical purposes -- a judicial oligarchy. We have an out-of-control Supreme Court that even steals presidential elections forChristsakes! Why doesn't anybody remember THAT?!?!

    And there have been plenty of Presidents -- besides just Dubya, in both parties -- who have used the word "democracy" to describe out country's governmental system. Even Abe Lincoln had said it.

  4. The US is not a Democracy but a Constitutional Republic . Unfortunately it's also a polyarchy.

  5. we originally a constitutional republic.but then we gained the right to vot senators in  and began down the path to a democracy and if u look at the greeks u will learn that democracy leads to either anarchy or a dictatorship.

  6. Well first let me say that anything Bush says we can DISAGREE with! But let’s be honest, have we ever really been a democracy? How are we “choosing” our leaders when we are given the group to “choose” from. Democracy is supposed to be a government by the people, as the Webster dictionary says. We are simply selecting from the selected. And even then, our votes still hold less then water if the powers that be rain down their favor on a candidate, ie Bush vs Gore. Its not only in elections that we have lost our voice. Look at our healthcare, food supply, insurance, livable wages and education opportunities. The American voice and power has been lost for some time.

    Lets be honest, we hardly live in a democracy, we hardly honor the constitution. We are d**n near a dictatorship!

  7. Presently this nation is neither-----the control of the government is in the hands of the monied interests.----

  8. The United States is simply the best country on Earth...'nuff said'!

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