
Is the U.S. about to stage another 911 to start a war with Iran over the Petrodollar?

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Will the Americans believe their government this time?

Would they believe one more lie?

Will this start a mobilization of the masses against tyranny?




  1. I think you have answered your own question.

    I knew Iran was next years ago, just like I and others believe that Syria will be the next target in this modern day neo con, NWO crusade.  It is the same old story all over again.  These criminals  are playing Americans for fools for believing the lies over and over again, however, real patriots can smell a dead rat.     Hundreds are waking up every day.  

    Look around you.  Ask yourself the same question Ronald Reagan asked over 24 years ago, "are you better off today than you were ......10 years ago?  

    Do you know anything about our complicity in the 1953 Coup in Iran?  We, yes we, the USA overthrew their democratically elected prime minister.  The media would have you so dumbed down that you believe the hostage crisis was about Islam.  No, it was about blow back.  Iran was perfectly secular, but because of our meddling, we jump started the Islamic revolution in Iran.  Please do your own investigation before writing some cheap patriotic nonsense.  WAKE UP, you have 400,000 foreign nationals in the US Military.  Dismantling the constitution is tyranny.  We are the ones that need freedom.

  2. Go away you liberal, gullible, conspiracy theorist.

  3. Don't tell me you think 9-11 was staged by the US Government.

  4. E.T. phone home.

  5. Very likely in d**k Cheney's shrunken little world, Cheney is the personification of evil and deceit and Bush is  nothing more than a babbling flunky best suited for their purpose.

  6. The guy quotes Popular Mechanics as if they're an honest authority.

    Check out the freaks

  7. You are severely uninformed.

    Please stop taking your ideas from people online instead of actual experts.

    Popular Mechanics would be a good place for you to start informing yourself.

  8. Absolutely!  And, I hope that you are visiting Iran and are at Ground Zero when the first missle hits.

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